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Sold/Expired D36 LED Drop - In modules - Red & Green DD available (For Surefire, Pila, Wolf Eyes)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 9, 2008
North Carolina
D36 LED Drop - In modules - Red & Green DD available (For Surefire, Pila, Wolf Eyes)

Hi All

Here we have the long awaited D36 drop in modules for SF products and most flashlights that accept 36mm modules.
M series Surefire©
Pila© GL4
9M, M90 products

NOW FITS Lumens Factory Seraph turbo heads.

-Unique Reflector Design
-Precision Machined Aluminum Reflector
-High Temperature Resistant Mirror Finished Coating
-All Modules are Pre-Focused for the Ultimate Spot (no doughnut holes)
-Compatible with all Flashlights with D36 Sized Reflector Modules
-New models that work with lumens factory turbo heads.

I will offer most of what leds that I have in my D26 modules thread.

These are 36mm and fit an M3 with the only adjustment being to drop them in and reinstall the Shock foam and rings. I have found that if you drop the module in and set the shock foam on top of the reflector and replace the two other rings as they came out and finish it with the poly flat washer that fits under the lens that the shock foam holds the module in place firmly and the bezel still screws in with out problem. I actually like the foam sitting on top of the reflector because this reflector has a lip built on the top of it that sits on the lower lip in the M3 head. This also gives a wider ledge for the foam to sit on top of. When sitting the foam on top of the reflector this then allows contact of the lip on the reflector to mesh and sit on top of lip in the M3 and hopefully pass a small amount of heat to the head.
This reflector is of substantial metal to help absorb heat.
I had no contact problem in a M3 when putting the module and light back together this way.
When installed the light turned on with no other adjustments to it and the module is firmly seated in the head.

Here are some pictures.


Reflector lip is clearly visible, this sits on bottom lip of head of M3


Emitter Side


Bottom side of module


Warm White MC-E beam shot

As mentioned above I will offer by order basically any led I offered in my D26 thread HERE There will be some limitations depending on battery configuration.

For 6 volt applications some levels will be offered depending on needed amperage of drivers.

For higher voltage applications at this time it is one level modules only.

Even though module costs were higher I am trying to hold costs to the same in most cases. In a couple leds they may increase slightly.

I will add to the list as I add new modules but here are a few offered. If you don't see something you would like please ask and I will build it up for you.
I keep most common leds offered in stock and most are offered in multiple bins.

D36 modules NOW IN SMOOTH OR MOP Smooth only available with whole modules. Reflectors only not available yet.

MC-E - MOP reflector 1 level modules 7.2 - 14volts
available in Cool White Mbin WG tint. Also offered in JE6 Warm White 4200K and Neutral white KA1 4900K

$65 shipped Conus

XP-E or XRE - MOP reflectors - 1 level module 3.6 - 18volts or 3 level (high , low , strobe) 3.6 - 8.4 volts
Offered in R2 bin WD tint. Also offered in AE5 warm white and Q3 5B neutral white.
$35 Shipped Conus

XPG - Smooth or OP reflectors / available in 1.4 amp 3 levels 3.6-6 volts / 1 level 3.6-18 volts @1.4 amps
R5 - cool white
R4 - daylight white 5000k
R2- neutral white 4000k
Q5 - warm white 3000k
$45 shipping included conus

More will be added later if not seen please ask.

these are five mega products and extend run times and offer a great hosts for these great D36 modules.

They are offered

Paypal information is in bio CC is 4%
Please post what you are ordering and CPF name in PP comments so I know what is what and who is who

Please post or PM for requests



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Re: D36 modules are finally here

Here are some pictures of how they fit in a Surefire M3 head.


All the pieces and putting the drop in the head which seats all the way down with
nothing between it and the head.


CAREFULLY put the shock foam back in place allowing it to rest on the top of
the reflector. This shows the foam in place which is even with the inside of the
reflector but not protruding in.


The hold down ring is next and it lip fits over the shock foam holding it in place.
Next is the rubber O-Ring with the outer lip facing up.


Poly O-ring is next followed by a shot of air to rid the drop in of dust and contaminates.


Glass & Bezel are the last pieces and a final completed shot of the top


Completed shot of the bottom, you can see that the reflector makes
contact with the head, it actually sits on a ledge inside the light that supports it and passes some heat.

I did some tests last night and they showed that this is much more light than a D26 and a 6P. I put an MC-E in the light and was again amazed at how much further it throws than the 26mm reflector. I was also pleased that after 20 minutes run time the light head was quite warm but not unpleasant as a lesser light would be. The heat had migrated to the body so there is some thermal transfer between the reflector and the head.

After a long wait I think it is a good module and fits quite well.

I hope that may help some folks. Putting it together is easier than getting it apart. I had to boil mine.


THESE DO NOT FIT LUMENS FACTORY HEADS. These are M style diameter heads and LF uses C style diameter heads


Hi All
Here are some Chinese Clone M3 heads, they are identical to the SF product except the ano may be just a shade darker
Everything else is the same and all bezel rings you may have already will fit whether they are from RPM or Netkidz.

When you want to use your incandescent just switch to your unaltered original head. These heads will fit any M style body (m3,M4,M6, Five Mega M6 body)

Why risk scratching your SF head to modify it, I will install any module you buy here in one of the cloned heads for
$50 shipped CONUS.




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Re: D36 modules are finally here

Pardon my ignorance. I did do a search before asking.
Neutral MC-E...what does the 01 after the K stand for, and do you have a specific bin code for chromacity?
Re: D36 modules are finally here

Pardon my ignorance. I did do a search before asking.
Neutral MC-E...what does the 01 after the K stand for, and do you have a specific bin code for chromacity?

No ignorance the binning of these are tough. Unless you order from a sales person everytime and they are not too keen on calling them for single emitter orders you have to order by kit number with Cree. DO1 and all D's are Q5s, E's are R2 and such and then you get into Chromacity and tints. It is very hard unless buying multiples or buying from someone who buys multiples to get a specific tint.
I have started buying in bulk to achieve this but small orders still go by kit number and that is one of them.

Those are actually KA1 as for the exact tint I don't know but I put that one in stock for it neutral characteristics. If you look and find KA1 which I mistyped as the kit number KO1 you will find it is a 4900K pure white led. It is just about pure white no blue or green just white @4900k just about middle of the road.

Sorry for the long answer but I wanted to explain why you don't always see the tint.
Again it is pure white tint 4900K


Re: D36 Drop - In modules are finally here


They are finally here. I been holding off on getting the LumensFactory bezel waiting for you to finalize these. Good to see you got it going.

Did you have a chance to test these with the secret tool from MrG?
Re: D36 Drop - In modules are finally here


They are finally here. I been holding off on getting the LumensFactory bezel waiting for you to finalize these. Good to see you got it going.

Not here yet


Did you have a chance to test these with the secret tool from MrG?
Re: D36 Drop - In modules are finally here

Will these work in the WE M90 without modification?

Is the beam pattern tilted toward throw or flood? I'm looking for something with a wider beam than LF modules.
Re: D36 Drop - In modules are finally here

Will these work in the WE M90 without modification?

Is the beam pattern tilted toward throw or flood? I'm looking for something with a wider beam than LF modules.


Yes these should work in that light. The MC-E is nice mix of throw an flood, as my LF for test has not made it I don't know what to tell you is comparison. I can adjust these for more flood than usual but I still don't know if it is enough for your preference but he MC-E can be adjusted fairly wide.


Re: D36 Drop - In modules are finally here

Varooj your D36 P7 module is packed and ready to ship in the AM

Thank you

Re: D36 Drop - In modules are finally here

Will you be getting any smooth D36 reflectors in?
They would be just the ticket for some serious XP-E throw while still having OK spill. :cool:

Also will you be using the excellent Milky cans on these?
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Re: D36 Drop - In modules are finally here

Will you be getting any smooth D36 reflectors in?
They would be just the ticket for some serious XP-E throw while still having OK spill. :cool:

Also will you be using the excellent Milky cans on these?
Hi Sgt.

At this time I will not have smooth, if these were to have enough demand I would consider it. These are not stock items anywhere that I have found and took a fairly stiff number to get them made. I will see how it goes.:D
These are more LOP than MOP reflectors.

It would be nice if the HD cans of Scott's would work but they have different threads and the dimensions are a bit off. His cans are pretty much made for Aleph light engines and work great for them. Also Aleph LE's use .55 drivers which as we all know will limit choices as to drivers.

I do have his cans in stock for LE's

Thanks for inquiring if I can anwer anything else give me a shout.


Re: D36 modules are finally here

Sorry for the long answer but I wanted to explain why you don't always see the tint.
Again it is pure white tint 4900K
Long answer is good. I've been thinking about what I want the light to do, and this one will probably need more throw, less heat, and longer runtime than the MC-E would give me.
I realize you don't have them ready to go, but would like a neutral or warm K2 TFFC or neutral Diamond Dragon(whichever is closest to a 5A or 5B tint) single mode at 1.5A.
Please let me know the paypal address, and total cost.
Re: D36 modules are finally here

Long answer is good. I've been thinking about what I want the light to do, and this one will probably need more throw, less heat, and longer runtime than the MC-E would give me.
I realize you don't have them ready to go, but would like a neutral or warm K2 TFFC or neutral Diamond Dragon(whichever is closest to a 5A or 5B tint) single mode at 1.5A.
Please let me know the paypal address, and total cost.

Hi Owen

I have a 5B here I have not hooked up, I will hook it up tomorrow and compare them. The warm K2 is buttery color it is warm but I have a neutral K2 I will make up tomorrow and compare.
I will post or PM tomorrow.

Even if i don't have them listed yet I will build up what ever you need.



Thanks Owen
Re: D36 modules are finally here

Long answer is good. I've been thinking about what I want the light to do, and this one will probably need more throw, less heat, and longer runtime than the MC-E would give me.
I realize you don't have them ready to go, but would like a neutral or warm K2 TFFC or neutral Diamond Dragon(whichever is closest to a 5A or 5B tint) single mode at 1.5A.
Please let me know the paypal address, and total cost.

Hi Owen

OK I have done some testing and geeze that is a tough one. The 5B is a great color and it is somewhat close to the warm K2 but the 5B has just a tint of rose to it but just a touch, the cool K2 and the diamond dragon are cool whites and just that white no tint.
I have a warm XPE that is close but a bit rosier, now all are very close in lumens, that is taking the cool whites out that are always more lumens.

My suggestion is if you like the 5b XRE go ahead get it. The tint is great and the beam looks right good in this reflector.
Of course it is your decision.

Let me know if I can answer anything else.

Re: D36 Drop - In modules are finally here

I love the 5B tint, but that emitter is only spec'd for up to 700mA, if I recall correctly. I wouldn't want to feed that 1.5A. This light may see more than just short runs.
Your original post for the P60 modules states that you have neutral DD and K2 emitters(giving 325+ emitter lumens!), but now you're calling them cool. Do you have neutrals, or not?
If not, I'll take a warm K2.
If so, I'll take a neutral DD.
Please let me know which you have, and where to send payment.

That DD is kind of intriguing from what I saw in the other thread, having such a nice beam even from a SMO reflector, but tint will be more important to me on this light.
Re: D36 Drop - In modules are finally here

Hi Owen

Well let me change my phrase since it is Osram, I have ultra white, 6500k which with most companies puts it right on the neutral, cool white border as there is usually about 3500k difference between classifications, now i called this one neutral because it is more white as blueish. My bad I will change to ultra white as per Manufacturer specs.
If you are looking for any yellowish or buttery look to your led then that is not the led you want it is pure white.

It is hard for me to deal with 4 or 5 manufacturers and get my phrases to please all:D so I try to use common terms.
when we are talking about 5B are we talking q4 5b or q3 5b one is definitely warmer than the other. It can be a bit tricky so I will use the proper terms and it is ultra white but is the tint closest to be called white as Osram term them.

As for the XRE and 700 ma the XRE are now commonly push well beyond 700ma. Several of the flashlight companies are now running them stock @1.2. I use a 1050ma driver with no tint shift to the eye.

Sorry for the confusion I will change to ultra white.

Re: D36 Drop - In modules are finally here

Thanks for all your trouble, Dave. PayPal has been sent.
Re: D36 Drop - In modules are finally here

Thanks for all your trouble, Dave. PayPal has been sent.

Hi Owen

Your K2 module shipped today.


I have added some new pictures that shows how the module fits into a M3 head and how it goes back together. Hopefully this will make it a bit easier although getting the bezel off is much harder than the rest.


Re: D36 Drop - In modules are finally here


Paypal sent for 2 MC-E's.


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