Darkness Falls, the movie


Newly Enlightened
Jul 16, 2009
DFW Texas
I love this movie, I remembered watching it a few years ago before I discovered my fascination with lights and didn't really think much of it. Recently I watched it again and I thought it was awesome! But WTF with all the incans if your life depends on your flashlight, literally.
what did you think?
You need to see Pitch Black...That's movie is a flashaholics dream.
I remember standing in a movie rental store as a small child, and being freaked out, yet intrigued by the commercials for this movie.

Years later, when I see it on TV, all i feel is that I was ripped off... Years and years of anticipation, and it was a crazy toothfairy that did it.:ironic:
Pitch Balck was awesome, except for the last 15-minutes or so.

That's when rather dumb use of set lighting took away from the atmosphere of the film.

What about the cellar scene from 'Signs' ?
I saw darkness falls... I remember vividly the bathroom scene when the tooth fairy was waiting above the bathroom door for him to come out... haha and when I saw it again with my GF.... I said... HEY! see that guy is going to live... because he is smart! He is not afraid to carry all them damn flashlights! lol And her response was... ya he reminds me of you... and I said.... well ya he is the one who also survives in the end...OOPS! haha
watching this right now for the umpteenth time:sigh: It is a good flashaholic movie but I forgot all about Pitch Black