Dealextreme's Panasonic CR2 batteries


Newly Enlightened
Aug 26, 2007
Does anyone know if these batteries being sold by Dealextreme are the same ones being purchased here in the states( capacity and quality wise)? The reason for the question is because the Panasonic batteries I have purchased here in the past are black with gold writing, whereas,the one's on the Dealextreme website ( 5 cr2 batteries for $ 6.81 ) are white with i believe blue and black writing. There is a huge difference in price that is why any and all input on these batteries is greatly appreciated, especially from our experts like Silverfox and others who continue to test and contribute on our behalf and knowledge...thank you in advance....
Stick with the ones sold in the states with marked expiry dates. Another member posted a few days ago saying that his CR2's purchased from DX had lower voltage overall possibly due to the batts being old or near their expiration life after prolonged storage. I believe it was a thread about recommendations for purchasing CR2's for cheap in the batteries section.
Dealextreme has a track record of having counterfeit brand name batteries (eneloops) in their stock. They do correct their mistake if customers complain. But it also tells me that they don't QC their suppliers.

In the case of NiMH this is just annoying - for Li batteries I would not take a chance and go for a more trusted source.
Stick with the ones sold in the states with marked expiry dates.
Any suggestion for cheap sources is welcome.
I believe it was a thread about recommendations for purchasing CR2's for cheap in the batteries section.
Do you mean the "Flashlight Electronics - Batteries included" section to which the current thread belongs? I tried to search for "CR2", no match, even the current thread was not found*, so if somebody can point me to this thread I'd be grateful.

*I believe this is because the 3-char string "CR2" is too short for the CPF search engine, but you get no such warning as a result, only "no match".
most of the counterfit panasonic batteries i've seen were made by "panasonic elestric"

It seems the guys running the counterfit operation needed at least on mistake so they wouldn't accidentally use one of their crap batteries.
Just received 20 cr2 panasonic batteries from deal extreme. They say "made in Japan" and have no date stamped on them at all.

Of the 20... With my ZTS tester,

1 - 100%
2 - 80%
6 - 60%
5 - 40%
6 - 20%

Not so great for about $24.00 IMHO.
i got 2 from DX, 3.1.v, 3.08v.

from local shopping, where always 3.2v
I didn't check the voltage on these right now but I have tested many in the past and the voltage always seems to be around 3 volts until you put a load on and then it can drop like a rock.

I put one of the 20% batteries in my ezcr2 and it seemed to work fine, I just don't think it will last very long.

Yesterday I tested a 123 battery on the ZTS that showed no capacity whatsoever and the voltage tested at 3.01 volts. I put it in my surefire e1 and if you cupped your hand over the light to make it dark, you could see a VERY faint orange glow. Pulled the battery out and voltage was around 1.25 volts and climbing.
Just received 20 cr2 panasonic batteries from deal extreme. They say "made in Japan" and have no date stamped on them at all.

Of the 20... With my ZTS tester,

1 - 100%
2 - 80%
6 - 60%
5 - 40%
6 - 20%

Not so great for about $24.00 IMHO.

Given the usual shelf-life of this chemistry, these are either fakes, or very, VERY old stock.