Defense Tool ??


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 3, 2005
These are some 6in Titanium tent nail pegs.

I think they could be a great defensive tool. What do you think?


Just a bit thicker and it would make a nice kubaton. And move holes down a couple inches and its a nice koppo. I've been looking for a nice Ti Koppo or Kubaton.
Those tent stakes are nice too. A bit pointy for my tastes, but still worth consideration. I was just looking at those on your website before I stumbled upon this thread. (so much to buy so little money)
Russ, that looks great, but I'm concerned about the lack of grip and the (relatively) small head on which the thumb rests...would make repeated stabs a bit painful IMO.

I think I may put something over the thumb end. They are tent stakes, but they would work for defense in an emergency.

I have some other tent stakes but they are even smaller.
Honestly? No.

Better to get a real weapon in my opinion. These nails aren't sharp enough and have no good way of hanging on to them during a stab. Assuming you stick one in somebody getting it back out might not be possible. They have no edge to cut with. How would you carry them without putting a hole in yourself?

I did some stabbing on the sidewall of a discarded tire with my Kraton handled Cold Steel Safemaker I push dagger--my daily carry knife. I couldn't believe how much shock was transmitted to my hand. If the knife didn't go straight in, it hurt my hand. I actually twisted my wrist on one stab and it hurt enough to make me reconsider this little experiment.

The idea of using a relatively blunt nail or spike for this makes me cringe at the pain I'd inflict on my own hand, fingers or wrist.

That being said, something is usually better than nothing. These things would damage an eye, no doubt.
Actually I wouldn't agree with lightraven on this. :p My answer would be:
Depends on the hands that using it. Ninjas can kill you with this you know. But I do agree it's better than none. I got my wife some Ti chopstick to use as a hair piece and use it as a weapon if situations requires for it.
Carrying one of those around day to day would look a lot like I was trying to carry a weapon. I don't know that it would be more effective than a carefully chosen pen. The pen is more discrete and lets me write too.
Carrying one of those around day to day would look a lot like I was trying to carry a weapon. I don't know that it would be more effective than a carefully chosen pen. The pen is more discrete and lets me write too.

That's the main thing right there. Whatever the item happens to be, it must blend in with other everyday items.
Anything will generally work as an offensive/defensive tool. EDC the spike if you feel it necessary, else opt for a more traditional kubaton, pen, or folder.
One philosophy is that instead of trying to find an item that might be used as a weapon if the need arises and that also fits in with your EDC, is that it is better to always examine what is around you as a potential defensive tool. That way you never have to worry about whether or not something is with you, that you can get to it, and most importantly, that you will not waste time and lose ground while trying to find it.

Pens, pencils, a plain old key ring, and even a magazine are almost always handy and these everyday items are easily used for defense.
Or something that looks regular, like the Jones Brothers Stylus:
Barry's defensive stylus is a bit over 6" long and is made from G-10 with a sharpened titanium core. It's available in different color options with a clip for attaching to the pocket or any where else. There are quite a few defensive stylus designs out there but I think Barry's is particularly noteworthy and the best one I've seen as of yet. First Barry's design doesn't look like a weapon. It's very "happy" looking with the alternating red and blue G-10. Some would probably think that it's downright cheap looking, which is good. It should look like a .98 cent Wal-Mart pen. To me that's a huge part of the appeal, in that it could be easily glanced over if given a cursory look. Look at the next picture and note how Barry's stylus blends in nicely with other writing tools.



I'm not suggesting that someone purchase these soley for defense purposes. I should have worded it different.

I mean they could be used as a defense tool,as a backup or in an emergency.

They could also be used as just some kind of tool, or an ice pick.
You could sharpen one pretty easily also.

I have been carrying this around and fiddleing with it for a couple of days.
Here is the key to holding it.
