DEFT - Problem


Feb 5, 2005
South East - United Kingdom
ANy DEFT owners had this problem please.

I was showing my deft's throw ability to a friend who had recently acquired a Tiablo A10.

The light worked fine and we were doing some side by side comparissons when the DEFT suddenly would not illuminate.

I am not sure if it is the switch (it does not feel different to it's normal operation) or a loose connection.

I am not the worlds best DIY guys so reluctanct to fiddle.

Are there some simple tests one can do to try and isolate the problem.

Could it be a blown R2 emitter and if so, are there any telltales one can look for.

All seems fine as far as visual inspection goes so I am puzzled.

Want to get the beast back up and running asap

Thanks for your help

Errrr.........yes thats why i put a thread up asking if anyone knew where Michael was coz he hadnt responded (which you zapped) because there is yet another special place to post "where are they" type threads.

Too many blooming layers on CPF now :)

Must be a devil to monitor
Errrr.........yes thats why i put a thread up asking if anyone knew where Michael was coz he hadnt responded (which you zapped) because there is yet another special place to post "where are they" type threads.

Too many blooming layers on CPF now :)

Must be a devil to monitor

Well I haven't gone anywhere and I haven't received a PM or an email from you. Those would have been much better. It is probably the switch. I have replaced two others for that problem. The newer FTP and HOs do not have that problem since all the power is not run through the switch like it was on the old ones. Just email me and I get you taken care of.
OK - pm was sent - had not emailed though.

Do you need the model number - it is one of the original defts with the cf bezel?



Btw the way, the chap I was showing was completely gobsmacked when the deft blew the A10 clear out of the water. It is such an incredible little light.

I have just gone back and there are 2 message sent via PM so dont know what happened there Michael.

I cant see an e-mail addy in your contacts though?


I have just gone back and there are 2 message sent via PM so dont know what happened there Michael.

I cant see an e-mail addy in your contacts though?


Well sorry if I missed it somewhere along the line but I can't find it in my inbox. Shoot me an email to omglumens at gmail dot com.