Stop it! :) I'm waiting anxiously for mine and your raving reviews aren't helping me. ;)

I have a 2 stage on the way with a 5 stage mod as well. :) I can't wait.
The Q2 5-mode is noticeably brighter and scrolling through the five modes using the momentary clicky is the best. When you get to the mode that you want, you make a full click to actuate that mode. Oh yes, it also has state memory. I don't know of another multi-mode light that is so practical and user friendly!
The Q2 5-mode is noticeably brighter and scrolling through the five modes using the momentary clicky is the best. When you get to the mode that you want, you make a full click to actuate that mode. Oh yes, it also has state memory. I don't know of another multi-mode light that is so practical and user friendly!

Hm, interesting that that 5-mode is brighter than the 2-mode. Is that because you can run two RCR123 3.7's, rather than a single 18650?

I'm hoping I understood Alan's topic and that I can simply take out the 2-stage and pop in the 5-stage. :) I hope it comes tomorrow. :)

I ordered it with the EMS rush shipping.
Whether you use 2X16340 or 1X18650, the Q2 5-mode is noticeably brighter than the P4 2-mode. I happen to favor using 1X18650 for power. I have a few Q2 lights that aren't noticeably brighter than their P4 pedecessors, but some are a lot brighter. This P60 module is in the latter group.
The Q2 5-mode is noticeably brighter and scrolling through the five modes using the momentary clicky is the best. When you get to the mode that you want, you make a full click to actuate that mode. Oh yes, it also has state memory. I don't know of another multi-mode light that is so practical and user friendly!
I'm really impressed with the reviews of this light I have read here on the forum. I have been considering a new single cell light for EDC, but I am going add this light to the list of lights I have compiled for consideration. These sound like very practical well made tools !

- regards
Not sure about the difference between 2 and 5 modes.

x2x3x2 (lightreviews) tested both. Yes, the 5 modes Q2 was 400 lux brighter than 2 modes P4 (old version). 7990 lux vs 7610 lux. This is high lux rating for this size of fl.

Pretty sure it was the older P4 version because If you read the article, it was a WC tint. The newer Q2 ones are all WG tint.

Now, since this week, every two modes version is upgraded with a Q2. The lux rating should be the same.

I bought the 2 modes due to ability to use cr123 rcr123 and 18650. I need a reliable simple working FL for hunting.
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Remember, that you can use any P60 module. If you're looking for a second or third module, give the inexpensive Q2 P60 module (SMO or OP) from Supertactical a try. It's really bright white and has a nice beam pattern. The + end of the battery is toward the bezel with the Dereelight Q2 5-mode and most of these other P60 modules.:)
Dang the CL1H are excellent lights both in terms of build quality and output, best of both worlds.
The super long time on low still blows me away! :)

I wonder how their DBS will top this... gonna be interesting.
My 5 mode CL1H failed miserably when I used it in a real world situation for the first time, as a bike light. The modes kept changing from Lo-Med-Hi-Strobe-SOS as I was cycling because the circuit kept breaking. It would have been funny if it wasn't dangerous. Luckily, I had my Ultrafire C5 and all was well.

Alan of Dereelight suggested using some washers and I ended up using a 6 mm thick nut which seems to work. I'll let you know how it goes.

I just got the 5-modes model. The user interface for changing modes is difficult.

1. Once the light is clicked fully on, you cannot change the mode. If you're in low and you suddenly want high, or strobe, good luck.

2. In order to change modes, first you have to turn it off, then you can try to get it to cycle thru the modes before you turn it back on. It's not easy for me yet. Maybe I will eventually get the hang of it. I haven't had this problem with Fenix or Hyperion or Jetbeam. While you're quickly trying to get from low to high, it's not easy to discern if you're in medium or high, so I often continue on to strobe and have to go thru the whole darn cycle all over again.

3. You have to cycle thru strobe and SOS to get back to low. I just hate that. SOS is entirely useless. Strobe is only useful if it is instantly available at all times. Please stop forcing these modes on all of us, just because a few people claim they like them. These modes should only be available in specialty lights and then you'll see that very few people will purchase them.

Aside from the UI, this light is really excellent. Some people think the 2 mode UI is better, but you shouldn't have to twist the head to change modes when you have a clicky switch. It's kind of like the worst case, because you have to both click and twist.
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I like the 2 stage and I like the twisty setup.
IMO this light is the best Bang-For-The -Buck.

I think this is a must have light.
Nikki and I just got back from a night nature walk ( my god its 5:30 am)
She used the Deree for 2 solid hours on high and it never dimmed or got yellow.

Another couple had some sad plastic 2c 3$ lights.While chatting for a min, they said " stay near us, we see you have those 2 little lights"

I used my Wolf Eyes 6A/cree with my diffuser.Several mins in,all 10 or so people shut down and just followed us..and LEECHED OFF MY LUMENS!!!!

I hates nuthin more then a Lumen Leech !!!:crackup:

My 2 cents

**Again this is a fine fine light.
One problem with the 2-mode light is that you get no medium level (the most useful mode for most people).

Warning to white wall hunters: the smooth reflector in this light produces a very dark Cree ring.

Then again, this is a perfect light which everyone must get.
I have the 2 stage P4 with OP.It's my go to light.The regulation is amazing,doesn't seem to dim at all.I really like the wire clip.Overall quality is excellent.If I were to design a flashlight this is what it would be.Good Job,DereeLight!

Mine just came! The quality is outstanding! I gave it a clean and lube to make sure all the threads are silky smooth, even if it didn't really need it. I got the 2 stage with an optional 5 stage mod. I have 2 OP reflectors, and a smooth. The smooth does throw a tighter hot spot, obviously, but the beam is ringy so I prefer the OP. I tried an unprotected 18650 and two CR123 primaries and got the same out put on high (2 stage). I compared the 2 stage and 5 staget and they appear to be putting out the same on high, they are both Q2's. I found the output was also about the same as my Malkoff P60 which is also Q2.

For now I'm going with the 5 stage module and the OP reflector. I find changing modes to be a snap. The strobe and SOS are faster than the SOS and strobe on my Fenix lights.

Can't wait for night time. :) I'll probably put together a review with some pics later.
No need for a medium, the low is quite bright.
I am still shocked that low is 40 lumens or so for nearly 24 hours.
This light is amazing.

Soon I will post my thread " Hall of fame"
This Deree 2 stage is in it for sure !
I didn't test the low between the 2 stage and the 5 stage, not sure if there is a difference?

Dereelight C1H 2.0!


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