Judging on the specification and the pictures from the Surefire web site, I really like the C2 or M2. But I don't like the output and runtime of the incandescent bulb that comes with the light.
Does anyone have experience using a Dereelight CL1H Cree Q5 2SD/3SD (2.8v - 4.2V) + 18650 battery + Surefire C2/M2? Or do you think it's going to work without modifications?
I like the idea of having a high mode for the brightness and a very low mode for runtime. If it works, this would be my new favorite light. The C2/M2 just looks so elegant.
Thanks a lot.
Does anyone have experience using a Dereelight CL1H Cree Q5 2SD/3SD (2.8v - 4.2V) + 18650 battery + Surefire C2/M2? Or do you think it's going to work without modifications?
I like the idea of having a high mode for the brightness and a very low mode for runtime. If it works, this would be my new favorite light. The C2/M2 just looks so elegant.
Thanks a lot.