Dereelight is here.

electric sheep

Dec 13, 2008
Just received CL1h V4/3sd R2 and am very pleased with its build although i now see the difference between my old Surefire and my current Wolf Eyes with this. It is a small scale difference but the threads are just not as precise. I have no idea how good the battery that came with it is (Senybor) but have several others brands on order. I had to re-wire the charger for UK Mains but that took only minutes. Waiting for it to charge(I know i should have waited then posted but to pleased and need to share:eek:) Have another Pill on order this time SM R2 which will go with my extension tube to make this a primary light for night walks. Will post performance response when it charges:popcorn: Sorry it's a premature post (never happened to me before:eek::D)
As a newbie i seem to write some rubbish posts as no-one seems interested. I know you have heard it all before but the fresh perspective prompted me to post. Anyway here goes; The 18560 that came with it is charged and it's dark outside and WoW! I love it. I have no idea what Lumen's it produces but it seriously blows my Wolf Eyes Angel A on 14500's out. Any room in the house becomes fully lit with ceiling bounce. Much warmer tint to the light than the Wolf and pleasing to my eye. Have the Sd R2 pill on order so i can run two 18650's on longer outings but for now it's perfect. I need a belt carry option now as it's in my Maxpedition everyday bag for now(with everything else i like to carry). Need a few more 18650's and have ordered some Trustfire Blues rated at 2500mAh but understand to expect 2300mAh. Good start to my collection of three, Petzl XP with Seoul mod, Wolf Eyes and now Dereelight, just wish i had kept my 6p and bought a drop in. This site has helped me spend:twothumbs
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