Dereelight Javelin, 2 X 14500 + M61


Newly Enlightened
Jun 20, 2010
Hi Everyone,
Been reading here for a while now... actually really need to limit myself - it's addictive!! Anyway - GREAT forum :twothumbs

Flashlight nut for a while, only just starting to get some 'proper' lights.
Best I've got so far is a PrincetonTec Amp 5, once you've stopped laughing I'll say that it does has a gorgeous white beam....

I also have some Zebralight sc50w's on the way, can't wait for those!

Now I'm looking at something not too big/heavy, but with decent throw. Pretty much decided on a Dereelight Javelin. I think this should work well with 3 X NiMH. I wanted to stick with AA, thus chose the Javelin. (not ordered yet) Further research has me interested in Li-ion.
I'm now wondering if there might be much difference in performance between the for-mentioned set up compared to using 2 X protected 14500, with an M61? This would also make it smaller and lighter.
For that matter, how would a Dereelight high voltage drop-in compare to the M61?
Would a Javelin make a good weapons light? Also looking at buying one for a gift.

Might be upgrading my Minimag (tle 5ex) & 3D Mag (tle 6exb / Malkoff). Anyone know how the throw of these would compare to the Javelin?

Something else I'm confused about is the terminology of the parts.
Is a 'Drop-in' an assembly including a pill and a reflector?

Thanks for your patience in reading some noob questions ;)
dropin = reflector+LED+electronics
module = LED+electronics

The P60 dropins are not the best throwers in any class of lights. they are limited by the size of the reflector. The M61 will output about 260 lm compared to the 220 lm of the dereelight. If the M61 beam has less divergence it will out throw the dereelight. But again, the dereelight has a reflector and the M61 is an optic... so I really can't say.

Just out of curiosity, if your going to "stick with AAs" why do you want Li-Ion at all? High voltage pills will not be able to accommodate AAs in a pinch. Since you want Li-Ion, why 14500s instead of the 18650/16340s which would open up the brightest lights available today?

My reasoning is this: You want throw, the best AAs lights are lacking in throw compared to the best throwers which are 18650/16340 based. 14500s require the same care as 18650s but offer none of the benefits of being used in the higher end throwers. If your going for Li-Ion, you might as well get the best available Li-Ion light and use the best Li-Ion batteries. A jack of all traits is master of none.
Thanks Red02

I see what you mean, if throw is what I'm after - get something light a Dereelight DBS, and use 18650's.

My original thoughts were to use AA NiMH with the ability to occasionally use Alkaline / l92.

My Zebralights were on the way and they go about 50% brighter with 14500, which got me interested in those.

I like the idea of the Javelin, as it only weighs 90 grams (~3.2oz) which is half the weight of the DBS.
I also looked at the Jetbeam-3, but my perception is that the Javelin out-throws it - not sure if I have this right.

I suppose I should go by the cpf rule and get both the Javelin & DBS :grin2:
That way, I'll have one for when I want lighter weight / common batteries, and one for when throw is more important.
The Javelin is so far the best thrower on AAs I am aware of, but you'll need the extender for 3xNiMH as the voltage is lower than AAs or L91/2s. 2xAAs, NiZn or L92s will drive it pretty well.

If your going for 18650s the DBS is not the end-all be all in terms of throw, I don't think its even a top 10 thrower at the moment. Some Jetbeam RRTs, Tiablo A10, Catapult, V2, and probably a good 4 more lights beat it and still use 18650s. Then there are the aspherics...
The M61 does not use an optic. My xpg javelin drop in focuses quite well.

Any chance of a beamshot? Even better if you have the Dereelight XP-G you can put in the Javelin to compare the two drop ins.

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