Dereelight Pill choice Q5 or Q2? PLease help with advice.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 23, 2007
Bozeman, Montana
OK. I've looked and searched but can't find exactly what I'm looking for. Of these 2 pills, what's the pros' / con's of each? Is one really that much better or brighter than the other. It looks like the Q2 is a little warmer by description, but also not quite as bright. I'm buying one ASAP, but I want to get the most practicle pill for it. Any real world experience with these would be of great help. It will obviously be my main thrower light for the outdors for when my EDC's won't do. So given this, is the Q2 better as stated in the website?:shrug:

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The Q5, IIRC, is supposedly just a tiny bit brighter, but the Q2 is very good for color rendition in real world usage. BTW, the Q2 is actually current tech, even though it seems counter intuitive given the naming conventions. If it were me, I'd get both. Alan, from Dereelight, gave a bit of information on the Q2 in either the CL1H or DBS v2 sales thread in the Market Place.
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The LED is a Cree(company) XR-E(model) and the bin code(which is different for each company).

For Cree the bins, from least efficient/dimmest to brightest(currently available) is : P2, P3, P4, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, R2.

Color rendering seems to depend more on the tint then the efficiency/flux bin code.

Check this thread for bin codes.

Get the Q5 module if it doesn't cost that much more to you. It will be around 25% brighter.
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Well, I broke down and decided to order one of these to add to my Dereelight pill collection. :)
After re reading what I wrote and reading what others have posted, I'd say either would be great.

The Q2 warm LED will have better color, but the Q5 will be brighter(not that much though).

I'd go with the Q2 after reading a bit more.
Just wanted to bump this thread as I'm trying to decide between the two and was hoping to get a few opnions. I think I'd prefer the warmer Q2 however, someone here posted they thought it was about 25% less bright than the Q5.

Is there really this much difference ?