Alright, charged up my 18650's and took some readings. I took readings with two different LUX meters, the DX lux meter, and another lux meter I recently got, brand and model are "Tes 1332A". Still seems to give lower readings than some others I have seen. Seems you can't go by lux readings stated by different people as these meters vary, but they are useful for comparing various lights on the same meter. The following readings were taken at 1 meter, recording the max reading found in the hot spot:
Dereelight 3-stage Q5 SMO HIGH - DX 8,840LUX TES 9,300LUX
Dereelight 3-stage Q5 OP HIGH - DX 4,700 TES 6,450
Malkoff M60 OP Q2 Fresh 2xCR123 - DX 3,570 TES 4,780
As expected the Q5 has an edge over the Q2. Also the Dereelight CL1H with 3-stage had more spill than the Malkoff M60 in a SF G2 host, and the spill was brighter with the Dereelight:
Dereelight 3-stage OP Spill: DX 70 TES 120
Malkoff M60 OP Spill: DX 50 TES 80
I also took readings of Dereelight's 5-stage Q2 with OP:
Dereelight 5-stage Q2 OP: DX 3,540 TES 4,610
Dereeligh 5-stage Q2 OP Spill: DX 50 TES 90
For the spill I should have set the meter to a lower mode as it only read 5, 8, etc. So it could have been 55, 89, 92, etc.
As far as tint, the Dereelight was a little cooler than the Malkoff.
Here are beamshots of the Malkoff M60 Q2 OP and the Dereelight 3-stage Q5 OP HIGH. ISO 50, f2.8, WB Daylight.
Malkoff on left, Dereelight on right:
1/10th sec exp.
1/40th sec exp.
1/160th sec exp.
1/640th sec exp.