Since we're dreaming, for me it would be:
1. Led, emitter should be replaceable/upgradeable without buying an entire new light.
2. ~60 lumens after the LED has come up to full operating temp and output has degraded.
3. Decent mix of throw and spill, but not adjustable focus. Different reflectors available to tune spill/throw for individual users would be great.
4. 2xD, but the head should be no bigger than the body, and it should be able to accept commercial off the shelf 3xAA to D adapters.
5. At least 8 hours runtime on 6xAA alkies, much more on 2xD.
5. Able accept ALL battery chemistries, from carbon zinc to li-ion with no need for any adjustment, just load and go. I don't use li-ions and don't know how safe multiple cells in series/parallel would be, I'd make sure to find out and not blow myself up. No built-in batteries, I need to be able to swap to fresh rechargeables or primaries in the field.
6. Aluminum. Possibly stainless, but aluminum conducts heat better, so probably not. No interest at all in titanium.
7. Powder coated in some bright eye catching color. Yellow, orange, green, something fluorescent. Something that can be seen around corners and glows through my pocket even when the light is off. I couldn't care less about bling or tacticool, a light you can't find when it's dark is just something else to trip over.
8. Regulated, the regulator should be a common item and be replaceable without having to replace the entire light.
9. Significantly waterproof. Not necessarily dive rated, but I live in Oregon and I work outside in all weather conditions. If a severe dunking is going to be a problem then this light will be destroyed within minutes of reaching a jobsite.
10. Standard clicky with momentary on, don't care if it's in the tailcap or on the side of the body. No fancy UI, no high/low/strobe/sos. No USB port, if it's that complicated then I'm not interested. Press a bit and the light turns on, release and it turns off. Press until it clicks, light stays on. Press until it clicks again, light goes off. Switch should be replaceable without having to replace the whole light.
11. Either a VERY STURDY glass window, or plastic. VERY STURDY, uppercase and in bold. My lights get dropped on gravel and tossed on the ground next to tools, the window is going to get abused. I'm more interested in durable than getting that last 5% of the lumens out the front. My limited experience with glass windows suggests that they aren't acceptable. The window should be replaceable without replacing the whole light or whole head.
12. Lanyard hole big enough to accept 550 paracord.
13. Pocket clip near the tail, so the light hangs head-down. The pocket clip should be replaceable, as it's going to get every bit as much of a beating as the rest of the light.
14. O-rings or seals should be replaceable, and shouldn't be picky about what kind of lubrication they get. Vaseline or bearing grease should be just fine. If they're a common size and available at the local hardware store, even better.
And dream I did! Don't I just want everything? I'd spend some money on a light with all those features. Obviously I'm very interested in something that's fixable and easily maintained.