differnet P3D Q5 beam tints


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 17, 2009
So I got another P3D Q5 a not to long ago and I compared the beam to the P3D Q5 I have had for a couple months and EDC every day and their is quiet a bit of difference in the beam tint. The newest P3D has a slight blue almost purple tint and after comparing it to my P2D and the rest of my lights it seems about the same as the others. However the P3D Q5 I have had for a couple months has what I would say is almost a pure white tint, which to me looks way better. On the lowest setting you could almost say it has a very slight green tint, but from med-turbo it is almost pure white. Also it seems to have a tad bit bigger hot spot with the same amount of spill.

One other thing to note is the newest P3 with the blueish tint has much more a natural finish, although its listed as OD. And the P3 with the white tint is more what I would associate as a real OD. I think the more "natural" OD finish is something Fenix starting goin with later as I have seen this finish more in the newer lights. Any thoughts about the beam tint?
The Cree XR-E's come in various tints, and the tints will vary even in the same tint bin. You could compare 100 P3D's from the same batch and they can all have different tints. That's the nature of LED's, especially when the manufacturer doesn't specify a tint bin.
The Cree XR-E's come in various tints, and the tints will vary even in the same tint bin. You could compare 100 P3D's from the same batch and they can all have different tints. That's the nature of LED's, especially when the manufacturer doesn't specify a tint bin.

Although I'm no expert I understand the whole different bin thing but now I want all my Fenix lights this color tint. Untill now I never really understood the whole bin lottery but i do now, but it comes at the expense of wanting every light this color tint.
Untill now I never really understood the whole bin lottery but i do now, but
dunno if this helps You, but now, there is no real lottery any more. :)
Sure there are variations, but - even with much different tints - Cree's tint range has a much smaller gap than it was a few Years before.
With the Lux IIIs, You could end up beween loving and hating the tint, with led from the same tint group

PS: If You dont like the beam of the LxD-models: the heads are 2-parts screwed together and with semi-hardening glue on the threads.
You can change the position of the 2 parts and maybe improve Your beam
(if You cant get it good, screw it tight again, as was be4)

PPS: when You know "Your special tint", it is a matter of modding.
I suggest trying to get a WD one
dunno if this helps You, but now, there is no real lottery any more. :)
Sure there are variations, but - even with much different tints - Cree's tint range has a much smaller gap than it was a few Years before.
With the Lux IIIs, You could end up beween loving and hating the tint, with led from the same tint group

PS: If You dont like the beam of the LxD-models: the heads are 2-parts screwed together and with semi-hardening glue on the threads.
You can change the position of the 2 parts and maybe improve Your beam
(if You cant get it good, screw it tight again, as was be4)

PPS: when You know "Your special tint", it is a matter of modding.
I suggest trying to get a WD one

Thanks for the info It seems after looking at many,many beams I have finally found a favorite tint that is the white i described above. And definitely OP reflectors with Cree,newer cree's anyway. Like I mentioned its tough once you find a beam type you like cause it can really narrow down choices(or spend even more modding) or cause a person to even more critique a light .

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