
Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 19, 2007
The 11th Dimension
This shootout is to compare the lumen output of some of my lights I selected for this comparison.

Reflector type doesn't apply here i.e (large parabolic or small 3") Just the lumens coming out the front of the light. :grin2:

The contenders...
Mini HID (43w Output Automotive HID 4300K)
VTO120 (120w Output Automotive HID 4300K)
1000w Halogen Work Lights
THOR X10 1000w
<----- The King of Torch Lumens.

Camera Settings (f/3.6, 1/4sec, 100ISO)

Mini HID
(this little beast seems far more impressive (diffuser wise) then my 10MCP/w 230w Halogen off 12ah SLA) :cool: Maybe due to HID's higher surface brightness???

VTO120 :faint:
(the sexiest light I have :naughty: Thanks so much MorePower! for tweaking my ballasts :thumbsup:)

1000w Halogen Work Lights
(think it's safe to say these are not designed for big lumens, but for $28 who cares) :mecry:

THOR X10 1000w
(Nothing can touch the power of Petrev's Insane Mod.) :D

Low Beam 300w

Big Beam 700w

THOR X10 both filaments (1000w Total) :faint::faint::faint:

And for pure fun, ALL LIGHTS TOGETHER :poof::poof::poof:

The mini hid might look dark on these low camera settings, but trust me, its bright as hell. (>4000lumens?) The VTO120 is so crazy (throw or lumens) its speechless. And well the Thor X 10 is just the power of God.

So what ya think? Me too insane? :crackup:
Well done Flashanator, you have a nice collection of powerful lights there !! I don't know if i've seen the "Mini HID" you've got there, do you have some pics of it ? Also have you done a comparison shot of the VT ?

Oh BTW the VT kicks *** by the looks of things ?
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thanks, :)

Ill do some VT comparison's (84w vs. 120w) later when the sky clears up around my area.

As for my Mini HID, its just a very simple little Mod I made using a Arlec RT500 light

Cut the back section out & use a 55w (43w output) HID + 11.1v 8ah Li-Ion. diffuser filter material behind glass in reflector, handles heat no probs at all.:grin2:



Very compact & lite, Its the best I could do for the sheer small size of this light. (it feels like one of those pistol grip 1Million CP spotlights). I guess after a long period of use the ballast could get warm enough to damage the Li-Ion. I ran it 20+mins & ballast was hardly even warm LOL. For its sheer small size, it dam well puts out.

PPl are amazed such a small light can produce such a high amount of pure flood light. It probably weights under 2kg :devil:

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Wow, thank you! I love how your 1000W Thor stomps those work lights! They still look pretty bright though.:grin2:
How much does the Thor X10 weigh in at?
FYI: Nice yard, you must have cleaned it for these pics
either that or I'm a slob :crackup:
actually its alot more then your average 35w HID, 5000lumens?

130w=around 3000-3500lm?

By the way, I really like your Mini HID. I know you said it is a flood light, but how is its hotspot/throw? What wattage HID bulb does it use and how does it do in a ceiling bounce vs. your 230 watt Thor?:popcorn:
Interesting comparisons. Was every beamshot shown with a diffuser attached?
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hi winmag,

as best i can tell, my thor x 10 is significantly lighter then the standard 10 million candle power spotlight.

Hi BlueBeam :D

My mini HID has a permanent diffuser filter (thats what i made it for, plenty of light for close distances) without the diffuser its beam pattern would suck. Maybe throw 200m with a big black hole in the middle.:crackup:
Its just a 55w (43w output) automotive HID.
Ceiling bounce test it dominates over the 230w thor:cool: (better colour for your eyes & just brighter light).

Pat, yes. The idea is to see the overall light output.
The mini HID sounds really nice then! It must be awesome the way it is so small yet puts out more light than the 230 watt Thor.:thumbsup:
yea its amazing:naughty:

But the thing is that, you would expect the thor230w (~5000lm) to put of more light then the Mini HID (>4000lm). But the mini HID is more noticeable to the naked eye. My view is the higher colour temp & surface brightness is the key.
If you left those lights on for any longer, the grass with catch fire!

The higher color temperature is probably why the Mini HID seems brighter then the Thor230.
Updated the 1000w Halogen work Light bulbs.

Original low Colour Temp Bulbs.

New 3200K whiter bulbs. (UV Cut, blue looking bulb)

They do seem alot whiter, but IMO look less in lumens?:thinking:
What do you think?

EDIT:eek:k now I'm use to the higher colour temp & it is far better.
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