digitaldave's Mag P7 mod thread


Newly Enlightened
Jun 18, 2008
After reading a load of threads, I've decide that in addition to modding a Mag 2C to a Mag 5761 I will have a go at doing a Mag mod as well. I had been hoping I could buy an off the shelf P7 or MC-E drop in, but there aren't any yet AFAIK, so I thought I'd have a go myself. I'm not building it for any practical purposes, just for the fun of it, and so I can have a LED torch that chucks out a shed load of light :). So far, I've got the host, a nice pewter 2D, but I need to sort out the other parts.

I am going for a P7, mainly because if I've read things right, it puts out more light than the MC-E (however, if it's the other way round, then I can be persuaded to change ;)). I was thinking of a DxxxJ, as they are rated up to 900 lumens in theory.

Britelumens has one that they sell as a package with a P7, so it seems like a good option. Britelumens also do an MC-E version as well, if I go that route.

Driver Board
The Der Wichtel board looks like it's very simple and well regarded. Sure, it costs more than ones I cold get from KD/DX, but the quality of the DW board seems worth the extra $. This should work with either the P7 or MC-E, so I'm covered either way. This will only give one output level though, so if anyone can recommend an alternative that would provide two or three levels and are easy to use (i.e. simple wire in without having to do any extra soldering / component removing etc.) and will still handle the current to drive the LED to it's full potential, please let me know.

I believe KD do one that's got a suitable 15mm opening that should do. I'm after a smooth beam with good spill - throw is less important, but I'd still like good throw if possible. Are there any others I should be looking at instead?

UCL or Borofloat? I have no idea which would be better, if any, so any tips?

The options will be 2xD Li-Ion, 2x18650 Li-Ion, or 6xAA in a 6AA>2D adaptor. The D cells would fit right in without needing any extras, and would give the longest run times, but I'd need to buy the batteries and the charger. 18650s would be next for run time, but would need an adaptor, plus again, I'd need to buy batteries and charger. Finally, the AAs would have the shortest run time (but not too far behind the 18650s), and are easiest to get hold of (plus I already have a charger).

So, how does my plan look so far? Hopefully I haven't forgotten anything...

Hi there!
I have made recently a 2D Mag mod using a P7 (DxxxI better than DxxxJ btw)and and the DW driver.
For batteries im using a 2D Liion pack from KD,and a SMO cam/camless reflector from KD too.

I works really good :thumbsup:

Also i have added a current driver based in AMC chips,to limit the curret at 2.8A max.

The most dificult part was adding a charging socket and cutting a KD spring,but finally the flashlight works great,with a runtime of 180 minutes.

Hope it helps,

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I've been thinking about some of the options, and have an update...

I'm going to go with 6AA for my first build, mainly because I have some Eneloops that I can use, thus saving a few $ as I won't have to buy any new cells or a new charger. I will still need the adaptor though.

Will the KD one allow the bezel to screw down all the way? If not, then I think I'll look at one of the custom ones on here in the B/S/T section.

Driver Board
I'm going to stick with the DW one for now, just to see how things go with a simple setup. I will think about adding in a multi-level dimmer at a later date, as it seems that things like the d2dim should be simple to wire in to the circuit.

I'm still undecided if I should go for a P7 for maximum output or a 5A MC-E for slightly less output but better colour rendition. I'm leaning more towards the P7 for now, just to get maximum lumens out the front, different tints can be done once I've got the basics sorted ;).

I'm curious, have you made any progess on this build? I have a 2D Mag that I'd like to mod in the way you are planning.
I have a KD SKU S006166 reflector in one of my P7 Mags
in the other one I have a stock Mag reflector with the cam cut off and
spluttered myself with a aerosol can of clear gloss acrylic paint.

I did buy a similar reflector from DX but I had to dremel the top lip of the reflector so that the bezel would screw down all the way.