Newly Enlightened
It doesn´t go down for about 50% after the 15 - 18 minutes someone mentioned here.It reduces power only for one of the 12 dimming steps it can make.Then after annother ten minutes or so the next step down....
It *maybe* goes down for 50% untill the li-io´s are empty, but NOT right from the 15 minutes on.
Just give it a little rest to cool down and it will start right away with full power.It´s really barely noticable and only when you constantly watching the light burning.But this shouldn´t do your eyes any good for a longer period of time
I absolutely NOT regret that i have bought it....630€ including shipping here.
It *maybe* goes down for 50% untill the li-io´s are empty, but NOT right from the 15 minutes on.
Just give it a little rest to cool down and it will start right away with full power.It´s really barely noticable and only when you constantly watching the light burning.But this shouldn´t do your eyes any good for a longer period of time

I absolutely NOT regret that i have bought it....630€ including shipping here.