Dissapionted with SF E2D Defender


Newly Enlightened
May 7, 2007
School: Erie PA, Hometown: Ft. Lauderdale FL
I've had my E2D for about two weeks now, in that time the clickie in the tail cap mannaged to jam up, and now there's a chip in the pyrex lense. I'm really disappointed with surefire, I mean everyone talks about how reliable and durable Surefires products are, (and they should be, for the price) but then crap like this happens. I aready contacted surefire about replacing both broken parts.

On a side note, I also bought a Inova XO around the same time as the Surefire. The output of the xo isn't nearly what the e2e's is, but I have to say its freakin indestructible. I haven't had a single problem with my inova which I have been beating around, compared to the surefire which I have been babying and aready have had two problems with.
Another Surefire clicky issue. Are you guys SURE you would trust your life to this flashlight, trust it to FIRE up every time you hit the switch? I've said it once and I'll say it again, SureFire, just swallow your pride, and buy-in Maglite clicky switches. You never hear any complaints about Maglite switches not working.

I have yet to hear the 'oh good gracious, my Fenix twisty has failed to work', or 'Does anyone know where I can get a replacement clicky for my Maglite?'
My brother's Fenix P1D Clickie failed (I think it's a P1D, whatever the first 1aa Clickie was) and had to be tinkered with to get it working..

But then again I've never had a Surefire clickie go bad either..
Out of curiosity what condition did the Surfire fail to? Did it turn on and stay on, or turned into a momentary only, or did it not turn on at all?
You've got to admit though, for a minority company, they do churn out a heck of alot of bad clickies. Maglite churn out probably 10x or more as many flashlights, and rarely problematic switches are reported, even in modded, high-current flashlights. Also, Maglites are inexpensive to say the least. I would expect more from the SureFires, given the price. I was going to wait for the first Cree-powered SureFires, but now I won't be bothering. Not worth it if I have to ensure I have my other lights with me just in case.

P.S., I am no Maglite fanboy in the slightest, I'm just using it for comparison purposes.
I've never had trouble with a Surefire clicky. I have read several posts by people that claim that all it takes to fix or prevent problems is a little gun oil. I have not had problems, and I hear they will send out replacement quickly, so I have not oiled mine.
MikeSalt said:
You've got to admit though, for a minority company, they do churn out a heck of alot of bad clickies. Maglite churn out probably 10x or more as many flashlights, and rarely problematic switches are reported, even in modded, high-current flashlights. Also, Maglites are inexpensive to say the least. I would expect more from the SureFires, given the price. I was going to wait for the first Cree-powered SureFires, but now I won't be bothering. Not worth it if I have to ensure I have my other lights with me just in case.

P.S., I am no Maglite fanboy in the slightest, I'm just using it for comparison purposes.

I have to agree with that, and there are A LOT of faulty Surefire clickies reported here, and almost no Maglite clickies. And even weirder, I was browsing the Surefire page, and they doesnt seem to have a clicky for under 37USD, that's just riddiculous! You can buy an entire HIGH QUALITY flashlight for that price! For 37USD for only the clicky I would expect that it would work after a nuclear holocaust, at 10 000m under the sea, in space, at the surface of the sun, etc etc, and at least work EVERY time under normal conditions.

I'm not a fanboy of maglite either, but I'm also very much not a fanboy of Surefire, to me, they are riddiculously overpriced(allthough the ligth seems to be excellent, just overpriced). But each to his own.
I have had two (2) Surefire clickies fail. I was able to repair them by essentially compressing the spring, thereby forcing the spring to take a shorter "set." For whatever reason, that process fixed the clickie, which did not work at all, right out of the box.

With that said, Surefire has always been Johnny-on-the-spot by sending me out a new item, regardless of what item failed.

In general, I agree that with the amount of money one spends for any Surefire product, one expects A) the clickies to work better, and B) the HAIII finish to be as tough as Surefire, et al, touts it to be.

I understand the nature of the HAIII finish, NOW. But just by reading the product information when I was a brand noobie, I was given the impression that HAIII was in fact "military standard," which to me means, "tough as nails." So, out of the twelve (12) different lights I own, two of which are Surefire, the Surefire's have been the easiest by far, to scratch or chip, which bums me out.
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I have had several SF's and a e2d. Sorry you tailcap crashed...that sucks. I have never had a problem with any of mine, but my new Inova T3's tailcap sucks. I have never heard of that before.

I am sure SF will make it right.
Gordov2 said:
I understand the nature of the HAIII finish, NOW. But just by reading the product information when I was a brand noobie, I was given the impression that HAIII was in fact "military standard," which to me means, "tough as nails." So, out of the twelve (12) different lights I own, two of which are Surefire, the Surefire's have been the easiest by far, to scratch or chip, which bums me out.

The HAIII is hard but the aluminum is softer. Chips can result from dropping one on a hard surface. I'd like to see a finish that is more capable of bending like the aluminum on impact. That would mean we might get dents on our lights if we drop them on a something hard, but they would still be protected from the elements.
shinbone said:
Out of curiosity what condition did the Surfire fail to? Did it turn on and stay on, or turned into a momentary only, or did it not turn on at all?

It was stuck in the on position....
I used some silicone lubracant and now its fine. I still e-mailed surefire and they are sending me a new tailcap and bezel. I have to say surefire does have great customer service.
Gordov2 said:
I have had two (2) Surefire clickies fail. I was able to repair them by essentially compressing the spring, thereby forcing the spring to take a shorter "set." For whatever reason, that process fixed the clickie, which did not work at all, right out of the box.

With that said, Surefire has always been Johnny-on-the-spot by sending me out a new item, regardless of what item failed.

In general, I agree that with the amount of money one spends for any Surefire product, one expects A) the clickies to work better, and B) the HAIII finish to be as tough as Surefire, et al, touts it to be.

I understand the nature of the HAIII finish, NOW. But just by reading the product information when I was a brand noobie, I was given the impression that HAIII was in fact "military standard," which to me means, "tough as nails." So, out of the twelve (12) different lights I own, two of which are Surefire, the Surefire's have been the easiest by far, to scratch or chip, which bums me out.

Never had SF clickie fail. Had Gladius fail, they send new switch. SF HAIII a big joke like you said. Fine finish if you don't treat it rough and keep in silk cloth bag. Or it will chip, scratch, ding without you even knowing it. Funny, my cheap mag light after all these years finish looks better than the SF HAIII after a couple months in fanny pack and dropped once. Forgot to add, it was my E2D Defender also.
I have been using SF lights for MANY years, and have NEVER had any type of failure with them.
Surefire has excellent customer service based on my own personal experiences. I knew they would make it right.
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I bought a Surefire E2e about a year ago and I had many problems. First after a couple of days the tailcap gets stuck. I called up surefire and got a new tailcap. That night that one fails too! Then I've went through a box of batteries without even turning the light on. I still cant figure out why it drained the batteries without me using it.
So one day I use it and the bulb Instaflashes!!! :scowl: Now After that I'm starting to get tired of this. So I call surefire up again. The guy says he'll send out a bulb.So I wait a month and it still hasn't come. So I call him up again. He again says he will send one out. I wait another month and still not a bulb. In the end I buy a new bulb for it and a streamlight strion to replace the E2e's spot in my pocket.
Comforting to know the light would still work even though the switch failed. I understand that even stuck on you can turn it off by locking it out as a twisty and even still use it as a momentary in that position. Not a bad design in that regard.

I have a few SF lights and have not had any failures, their reputation for product support is one of the reasons I own so many.

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