Distributor for Cree Optics. Update: the order is in!


Newly Enlightened
Nov 21, 2006
Northeast Connecticut, USA
If anyone's interested, I just e-mailed ledlightingsupply.com and almost immediately recieved a very friendly response. Yes, they will sell the Cree optics in small quantities, and they're only $1.69 complete with the holder! The nice lady I coresponded with seems quite aware that there are flashlight hobbyists like us out there, and she's happy to help. Cool!

Edit: I forgot an important part - they're in North America. Georgia, I think.

Edit/Update: The order is here! If you're in on the buy, contact Bikecop.
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Re: Distributor for Cree Optics.

Wow, that in very low cost!
Last week I ordered 2 at $6 each plus shipping, so about $15! (from a different dealer).

Do you know if they also sell the Carclo optics?
Re: Distributor for Cree Optics.

BPH said:
Wow, that in very low cost!
Last week I ordered 2 at $6 each plus shipping, so about $15! (from a different dealer).

Do you know if they also sell the Carclo optics?

I was ready to order mine from Cutter, but shipping them from Australia would take longer and cost more. Figured I'd look around for local distributors, and found these guys. I was amazed at the price. Very friendly and helpfull, too.
Didn't ask about any other optics, or check the site, either, but it wouldn't surprise me if they have more stuff. She also said that they handle all Cree stuff, including the LED's too. I should haved asked how much the XR-E's are going for, too.
Re: Distributor for Cree Optics.

I would be interested in any more pricing and availability information you get.
Yes, I ordered mine from Cutters Electronics, shipping wasn't too bad on the whole order ($7), I ordered 7 different optics for the Cree, by Cree, Fraen, Carclo and Ledi. I don't know how long it will take to get here.
Re: Distributor for Cree Optics.

Update: not the greatest news - they've got a minimum order of $50. I was going to order some optics, but I don't need $50 worth of them right now. Maybe I'll wind up getting some LED's and some other stuff at a later date.
Re: Distributor for Cree Optics.

How about a mini group buy? I'd be in for at least 20 bucks worth of lenses
Re: Distributor for Cree Optics.

Is this the Cree 8 degree optic?
If it is im in for it, so is this like a group buy thing? Im in Singapore tho, but it's still gona be cheaper ($1.69 lens + ~2$ shipping) after shipping compared to cutter :)

Where do we sign up?
Re: Distributor for Cree Optics.

Lighthouse one said:
I found a Hong Kong dealer who sells small quantities. http://www.besthongkong.com/index.php?cPath=19_53

My order is at the post office now....They have optics and holders...I don't know if their optics are what works for a flashlight or not, but I'll soon know.

They've got some collimators, holders, and reflectors, but I'm not sure who makes them. No Cree optics, though.
Re: Distributor for Cree Optics.

x2x3x2 said:
Is this the Cree 8 degree optic?
If it is im in for it, so is this like a group buy thing? Im in Singapore tho, but it's still gona be cheaper ($1.69 lens + ~2$ shipping) after shipping compared to cutter :)

Where do we sign up?

Yes, this is the Cree 8-degree optic; the real deal. Excellent price. I was all excited at first - thought I was going to be able to order the four that I need. Not that a $50 minimum is a hideous thing - maybe I'll make a list of some other stuff I could use, bring the whole package to over $50, and place an order anyway. And there's always the group-buy option. They seem like a decent operation.
Re: Distributor for Cree Optics.

Count me in! I ordered some optics from cutter going on four weeks ago. I guess they are not in stock. You can put me down for $20.00 worth.
Re: Distributor for Cree Optics.

I'd buy at least 5 in a group buy, maybe more, although I'd really like to get my hands on some to see how they work out before committing to a whole lot more than that.
Re: Distributor for Cree Optics.

Ok, sort of a newb here myself - how's a group-buy usually done? Does someone simply decide to propose a group-buy, and announce it over in the group-buy forum? Do they put a time limit on it, or a limit on the number of buyers? Is PayPal the typical method of payment?
Re: Distributor for Cree Optics.

Well, I've never done a group buy, either. I was thinking maybe limit it to the first 10 guys; that way it wouldn't be so overwhelming. Or, if you have loads of time....

It would be great if we could obtain a pricelist on their products.