Do I have to use an SSC P4 to mod a Mag LED?


Jan 8, 2007
I bought a few Mag LEDs in 2AA, 3AA, 2D and 3D sizes and I'd like to try to mod a few by just changing the LED only. I've read the posts about the SSC P4 mod but I'm wondering if there are any other choices that are:
Higher Powered?
Different bins (i.e. warmer)?
No,you don't have to.Its just the most compatible.

Any emitter with similar Vf and current ratings will work.Cree XR-E,Osram GD,Luxeon K2/Rebel,and many many others will work.The SSC is used most often because the viewing angle and package are similar to the Lux so it works well in applications/optics designed for the Lux-III,and is readily available in high flux bins.The caveat is the positive slug,which has to be isolated.

I would guess the K2 and GD would work in the Mag reflector,the XR-E not so well.

I have a 2D Mag drop-in modded with a Rebel,its a real laserbeam,I'd think the XP-E would be similar.

I mounted a Cree XR-E on a download/H22A heatsink once, tested it and replaced it with an SSC P4. I don't recall exactly what the beam looked like, I just remember it wasn't very focusable.

If you want power, don't forget the SSC P7. Look around for some of the P7 MAG howto's and check out the Marketplace Dealer's Corner for P7 availability. I just did a P7 rebuild and am lovin' it!

Have fun!
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Once again it looks like I'm suffering from reading comprehension! Okay, so a P7 isn't going to fit on a MagLED, and even if it could it would burn up REAL quick! :ohgeez:

+1 for the K2 TFFC. It is a beast of an LED.
The K2 looks like it will handle the heat better, at least based on what Phillips says but it doesn't look like there are a lot of options (only 3) for color temp or Vf whereas the Seoul has numerous options for everything.

How does the Neutral tint TFFC compare to the Cool White?
The K2 looks like it will handle the heat better, at least based on what Phillips says...

The K2 will handle heat better than other emitters,but in this application you won't actually see any benefit.The Mag module dosen't put out near enough current to make this an issue,and it also has a thermistor which reduces current as temperature rises.

...but it doesn't look like there are a lot of options (only 3) for color temp or Vf whereas the Seoul has numerous options for everything.

Right,thats what I meant by readily available.Lumileds has started releasing some of the K2 TFFC's again though,so maybe we'll see some high binned K2's soon.

How does the Neutral tint TFFC compare to the Cool White?

The tint on the K2 is usually much better,more natural.
