Do we really need strobing led's?

I don't know about you guys, but I like the idea of having a party in my pants. I can just whip out my light, put it on strobe, and everyone can dance around like they are in a dance club. Might also be handy if you have to change a tire at night time and you want to alert people that you are there. Of course most of us here would probably have more than 1 light with them in their car, so one could strobe, one could light up the work area, etc. :)
completely necessary for bike lights, the flashing makes a bikes much more visible and other drivers aware.
Not for most of us.Why do they put it in? MARKETING!!!My light can do more then you light BLAH BLAH BLAH.Just more for me to cycle through.

There are two VERY good reasons to have a strobe option, if available:

#1 - Your car has a flat or breaks down, causing you to pull over to the side of the freeway. Put your light in strobe, set it on top of the back of your car pointing toward oncoming traffic, and you'll be much more likely to live through the experience.

#2 - Bike lights - if you ever ride a bike at night, you WILL NOT BE SEEN unless you have some kind of light - and a strobing light just makes you all-the-more visible. I don't think a lot of bike riders realize this... but you are literally INVISIBLE to drivers at night, even if you are wearing light-colored clothes. I've personally seen 2 bicyclists who have been hit, with ambulance and police gathered around, one of them looked so messed up I doubt that he lived - one of his arms was literally ripped off his body. A strobing light on the back of a backpack or with a seat-mount would have prevented those two accidents.

Best wishes,

I think strobes have their place, such as some limited law enforcement applications and warning capabilities. But the truth is most people will use them to play and show someone. "Hey look at what my light can do". Then if they are not a flashoholic, :shakehead they look at you like you have issues. :laughing:

Seizure inducing strobe functions are considered cool by most people I guess :shrug:
It appeals to the adventurer in all of us. The thrill, the sensation of risk, danger... just the thought of maybe one day possibly needing to use the strobe to singal the resque chopper etc.,
Would blasting someone in the face with the strobe be more disorienting than just hitting them with a steady beam at the same brightness? I'm not about to try it on myself to find out. :)
It is a very strange thing maybe but when I change a tire on the road I pull over to the side and switch my hazard lights on (didn't have this problem for at least five years). IMO it is a lot more effective than using a flashlight on strobe.

The flashlight, I used it to throw light on the work area.
I use the strobe on my HDS U60 while walking down dark dirt roads when camping. In one hand I have the HDS on strobe facing backwards and my McLux PD in the other hand lighting the way. That's about the only time I have used it.
I do see value to the strobe modes. In daylight, it is an attention getter if I need to alert traffic at an urban accident scene. We have several accidents in front of our shop every year. Traffic also inevitably gets backed up, blocking the EMS vehicles. If I need to stand out in the roadway to help move traffic I really like being seen, and the strobe accomplishes that.

I would be cautious about using a high powered flashlight in strobe mode at night. You may actually blind the oncoming traffic and cause an accident. It is much better to carry a rotating warning light or strobe beacon that you can plug into your lighter outlet if that is permissable in your area. Electronic flares (turboflare) work well also, but they are somewhat pricey. Big advantage there is that there is no fire risk, which can be very imporant at an accident scene if there are fluids leaking. We all know the value of using the right tool for the job. It is no different with these lights.

The strobe mode can also be used effectively for locating purposes during ground searches. You are easily identifiable and the strobe can even be seen through some pretty dense foilage, often at times when you would otherwise not be seen.

The strobe mode is obviously not for everyone. Manufacturers could offer multiple versions of a light (with or without), but that would likely drive the cost up a bit for everyone. I would gladly pay a but more for a light with strobe mode if it was available as an option.
What Scooter said. The strobe is effective for signaling and warning (as a pedestrian I have used it arounds vehicles with good effect) and to dissuade attacking chihuahuas (which I have also done). The SOS is a waste of space for 99.9% of us and should be abandoned.

Anyone know where I can buy a tailcap for a Surefire E-series that will do the strobe function using an LED head? I found one that strobes incans only but I use a green KL1 not an incan. I sure would like one. Maybe for a C-series also?
I also like the idea of having a party when ever you want too. That was funny!!!! My wife will be rolling her eyes at me a lot when I turn on the strobe and start dancing.
Adding to what Greysave said about blinding on coming traffic at night, I read a study in a firefighting magazine that found that at night drivers that are under the influence of alcohol or certain drugs are drawn to the reflective strips on turn out gear and are more likely to hit you because their eyes have fixated on you, so the same may apply here. For the broken down on a dark road scenario I have a few red and a few green glowsticks to use as flares to warn traffic.
Use hazard lights on your car. Noticeable, yet not distracting. A strobe's limited utility greatly underweighs its inconvenience, IMO.
As many have mentioned, using a flashlight for car break downs is not a good idea. The hazard lights are there for a reason.

Not even sure it's that good for cycle lighting, think it's even illegal here in Sweden (allthough many people use it, mainly red backlights), especially a high powered light. Allthough it's probably a pretty good attention getter if you feel a car getting too close.

I still don't mind strobes, they are good attention getters, and can be fun to play with. As long as it doesnt interfere with the flashlights functionality(you have to cycle through it), I don't mind.

SOS on the other hand... Totally unnecessary and gimicky. Just makes the light feel cheap.