Do You Love Your D's?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 4, 2009
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Firstly let me say that I do love and use my AA and 123 EDC's. There is no substitute for a small and powerful light to help with work, chores and whatever else you may need extra lumens for during the day/night.

However, as much as the advances in output and runtime are making small lights simply mindblowing, I can't help but pick up my big D lights and use them whenever I can.

Several reasons:

Output - Bigger lights mean bigger heatsinks means more output. Gotta love that.

Runtime - Being able to run a light source in the 500+otf lumen range for 6+hours is really quite a reassuring feeling, especially when out on a night hike and you know you've got 6 hours of output, which may be 2 hours more than you need. Or perhaps you're a LEO or work in security, you want that light to last you all night.

Feel - If I'm going to be holding a light for a long time, small lights are too small and your fingers get tired of being wrapped to tightly for hours on end. A D cell light seems to just 'fit' in the natural grasp of your hand.

Safety - This is a controversial topic, but let me ask you a question. If someone intends on doing you harm while on your evening walk, will a 2AA light or a 3D light be more of a deterrent? The 3D light will put out three times the lumens to start with (to blind them), and if that fails, you have a baton in your hand if it's ever needed.

Modification options - With a 3-4D cell light, you have an almost unlimited number of options you can choose from to modify your light from the budget drop-ins, to fully custom one off designs. You can choose either MASSIVE output (1000+lumens), or less output (500+lumens) with better runtime or much lower output (200ish lumens) with LOOONNNNGGGGG runtimes.

Power Options - This goes hand in hand with emitter modifications. The choice and spread of power options for a D cell light are vast and tremendous. You can choose from any format and modify your light for either massive voltage output, huge amperage, or both.

I've seen lots of people say that big D cell lights will be obsolete one day. Perhaps, but not in the short term and not as long as there are people who love high output combined with long runtime, almost endless modification options and don't mind the size.

Long live the D cell!
I love every D cell light I own. I don't have any.

I have been this close to picking up a Lambda Varapower a couple of times. :drool:
No idea about high output(far from it,in fact)... but I love my Lightwave 4000.I once went 3 months (with occasional use) on 1 set of 3 D-cell batteries.
Quite fun.
I absolutely love Double D's but with a little twist as I have a little mod to help them look like D's but their really A's.:shrug: No one would know unless you get to see when I change, the cells of course....

I used to not like big lights but have recently got to like them as its a lot more practical for self defense and fits the hand better. Having a good and balanced dcell cant be beat in my opinion but the smaller lights have their place, as each tool has its place.
A small flashlight that you can carry with you everywhere is better than that mega-output super light that you left at home because it is too big to carry with you every day.

Having said that, I still love the classic D-cell MagLites and have four of them that I'm working on. They won't be EDC lights but I know that I'll have long run times with them if I ever need them. I like multi-mode lights because they allow me to have high output or long run times from the same light.
We can argue all day regarding D cell lights and their usefulness, but there's no doubt about one thing, no flashlight can compair to a 6D cell's usefulness in an attack, or self defense, or hitting baseballs, or weightlifting.
I have personally moved on from D cell lights as I consider most of them underpowered for their size - true, you can modify them and all that, but for me, I would rather grab a modern light like my Malkoff Wildcat V2 MD3 or my smaller Malkoff M61 6P with 265 lumens.

The light I find most useful is the one I have on me. That will never be a 2-4D light in most circumstances.

The great thing about this hobby is we all have different preferences, and if yours is D cells, then stick with them as they do provide great runtime.

I have personally moved on from D cell lights as I consider most of them underpowered for their size - true, you can modify them and all that, but for me, I would rather grab a modern light like my Malkoff Wildcat V2 MD3 or my smaller Malkoff M61 6P with 265 lumens.

The light I find most useful is the one I have on me. That will never be a 2-4D light in most circumstances.

The great thing about this hobby is we all have different preferences, and if yours is D cells, then stick with them as they do provide great runtime.


You and your Malkoff's. Makes me sick....with jealousy.
I have to admit my favourites have probably been my 4D Maglite's with XR-E R2's.
Can throw awesomely, can wind the lens down to flood the whole area evenly, have great runtimes and still serve as a damn good baton if needed.
I tend to group my lights/powered equipment by battery type for specific applications/tasks and D cell powered (mostly NiMH) various D-Mags all modded to LED in one way or another are in most of my vehicles, both for work and play (generally mounted in clips within reach of drivers seat but out of sight).

I also keep large D-Mags along side my bed and near front and rear doors of house. :sssh:

I often need to use traffic hi vis wands with my D-Mags where the longer run time is needed, often with several hours of use at a time. I do have some 18650/CR123 & AA flashlights that I can use with hi vis wands (and I do use these when I know I will not have a vehicle close by) but they just do not have the run time and for me and a 3+D feels more comfortable in this role. :thumbsup:

As mentioned I generally use NiMH batts (5000-10000 mAh) but I find that some of the sub-c NiMH batts do also have a place in my inventory in some of the 5 to 6 cell D-Mags if I am going to be carrying one most of the night (which is not often) to keep the weight down.
Plus I can acquire standard alkaline D-cells if necessary from work if I am caught out without charged batts :( (not likely but possible)

For example in my work vehicle I keep 1 x 3D-Mag (TLE6B) with 5000-10000 mAh batts that will usually be my traffic control wand host for long run time.
I also keep 1 x 5D-Mag (TLE300M) powered by sub-C's NiMH that keeps the weight down but is my primary illumination when I am searching for recalcitrants, lost property or tasks where I am generally away from my vehicle and on foot with a reasonable chance of physical threat. :twak:

Caveat: Don't take a large D-Cell Light into a threatening situation if you are not 100% confident that it will not be used against you!

However in the field, back packing, camping, working in/under vehicles, SAR and many other tasks I do not use D-cells as they are either too heavy or too big. :) (My excuse for owning a range of flashlights with various power sources - out puts - form factors)
Any excuse to buy another toy :shakehead
I have a few D mags, but my favs are the 2D-ROP-L and 3D-1185.

I like the heft and solid-pipe feel in the hand. With orange peel reflectors it helps smooth out the beams and alleviates some of the doughnut hole.

I have always seen these as like a poor mans SF-M6. The 3D-1185 with 9x Eneloops is my fave of the two. Great incan light.
I still use and love my 4 D cell Maglite with a Terralux drop-in and it's nice to know that I'm not the only one that likes older D powered lights. I don't use it all the time, but when I do it does come in handy and it does feel good to hold.

Whenever there's a bump in the backyard that needs to be investigated late at night, I almost always reach for my 4 D "Magalux." It's huge, wide hotspot can easily illuminate my yard without having to move the light back and forth. It's also the brightest measured light that I currently own so it has no problem with lighting up the darkest corners and crevices to see what's lurking back there.
its also much easier to find a D cell, or multi D cell light when you need it, smaller lights get left in pockets and may require looking for before they can be used, my 'D cellers' i can find simply by looking towards the front door. (which is where they live) i have also painted them fluorescent orange to make finding them even easier :whistle:
Haven't used D Mags ever since discovering the SF Lego a few years ago...

Just laying there, waiting for their chance, which never comes.
I have owned maglights for my whole life. I have only AA and D cell versions. I can't find a C cell anywhere.:shakehead But I have a 4D with the maglight 3W drop in, and it's not so bad. Toe to toe with my 6D incan :twak: it stands up nicely. Has a great throw, in my opinion. And I believe it is brighter than the original 4 D incan bulb. I actually ot my LED drop in for $5 bucks at Home Depot. Some idiot opened the package, and they dropped the price by like $25.

That being said, I plan on getting an LED drop-in for my six D. Suggestions would be great:thumbsup: It is my go-to when the dogs start barking angrily at something. Have it mounted at the door.

My 4D is mounted in my truck where it is ready for SAR situations when I get a call. I'm a volunteer FF. I love em.:naughty:

I love the D series because an incan bulb that lasts for ten hours is great. Well in terms of other D cell lights I have used.

one more thing: What's with :hahaha:this guy>>>:knight:
I have owned maglights for my whole life. I have only AA and D cell versions. I can't find a C cell anywhere.:shakehead But I have a 4D with the maglight 3W drop in, and it's not so bad. Toe to toe with my 6D incan :twak: it stands up nicely. Has a great throw, in my opinion. And I believe it is brighter than the original 4 D incan bulb. I actually ot my LED drop in for $5 bucks at Home Depot. Some idiot opened the package, and they dropped the price by like $25.

That being said, I plan on getting an LED drop-in for my six D. Suggestions would be great:thumbsup: It is my go-to when the dogs start barking angrily at something. Have it mounted at the door.

My 4D is mounted in my truck where it is ready for SAR situations when I get a call. I'm a volunteer FF. I love em.:naughty:

I love the D series because an incan bulb that lasts for ten hours is great. Well in terms of other D cell lights I have used.

one more thing: What's with :hahaha:this guy>>>:knight:

If you think the 3w led is ok, check this out for $23.