Do you switch out your EDC light or keep it the same?

Archimedes: Gotcha :thumbsup:

Now, I don't know about anyone else, but temperatures have also factored in my choice. With temperatures peaking at 39C (102F) regularly and thermal sensation into the mid-40s (113F and above) for three weeks straight and the forecast promising at least one more, I'm using my warm white torches less and less. I sure don't need any extra heat in my life, whether placebo or not :sweat:
I try to vary it so that I use all my flashlights. My only true EDC is a Thrunite Ti3 on my key ring that I carry whenever I am clothed. It replaced a Fenox LOD because I fancied a change. I'm not wildly keen on twisties but at least they stay turned off in my pocket. When I go out and it might be dark while I'm out, I carry a Fexix PD35 or Nitecore MH20 or EagTac P25 (All 1000 lumens max with single 18650 battery). In truth I have way more than I "need" but that doesn't stop me from wanting more.
I've been carrying a Fenix P2D for over 12 years, day in and day out, with lots of regular daily use in a manufacturing facility. All of my jeans have a wear pattern on that pocket that matches it.

The tail switch is starting to get a bit unreliable, and I just switched it out for a Fenix E12 (AA), which is much smaller and has competitive brightness with the P2D, without the pesky SOS and strobe or the twist control for turbo. Battery life won't be as good, but we have AAs at work, while I had to bring spare CR123As from home for the P2D.

It's a sign of how far technology has advanced in those 12 years. I've bought lots of flashlights in that time, but stuck with the P2D for EDC, and now here's a AA light that looks to be a good replacement. I'll know better how happy I am with it in a few years :laughing:.
I try to vary it so that I use all my flashlights. My only true EDC is a Thrunite Ti3 on my key ring that I carry whenever I am clothed.

I do the exact same thing. Ti3 suspension-clipped in my left front pocket and then whatever I'm planning to use for the day clipped or holstered on my belt.
Klarus XT1C is my EDC. Occasionally switch it up to the XT11GT.

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Years ago, I used to EDC a SF E1e with LF 3.6V / 50 Lumens bulb and an AW 16340. But the slightly crenelated bezel of it ate itself through the pocket of my (quite expensive) Fjallraven trousers, so I stopped carrying it, and bought a very small LED light (a kind of micro-USB rechargeable keychain light with 10180 battery in it).
THEN, only recently, I discovered Lumens Factory has exactly the head for my E1e that I wanted: the same shape and style, but with SMOOTH front! I bought that kit, and now my E1e is put back into service!
I'm pretty new to the whole light game, which is to say not long enough to be sure. That being said, based on previous experience I'll likely try a few different options, then settle on something and not change (at least until it breaks/wears out). Much of that is because, the stuff I use day-to-day, I tend to like to know back to front and sideways, so I can work it without needing to think about it. Similarly, once wherever mental milestone of trusting a piece of kit to be reliable has passed, I'm unlikely to want to swap it for something which has not gotten there yet.

Basically I tend to wind up with one piece of daily/beater kit... and a collection of toys/curios that get brought out on weekends. ^^;
---Old Faithful---

Wraith11, I am in the same boat.

I have slowly amassed a lot of gear over the years but I keep going back to the same old tried and true pieces. I suppose my thinking is that I want to use an item until I can no longer fix it. At which point I still probably will not dip into any of my extra gear but instead just buy a replacement. Plus I like to keep broken gear, for parts.
funny thing is, since having the new Manker E02II, I haven`t swapped around at all, it`s not really left my hand, it clips perfectly to clothes now (had to bend the clip a little) and it just comes everywhere with me, it`s like a little pet! LOL
I firmly believe in the single EDC concept, so I have just one EDC light which is an e1e based mule with 6x Optisolis LEDs.

When I go for a night walk in the "woods" I may *also* take a D4 based on nichia 219c (18650 body), just in case.

The rest of my 20+ lights are just for fun.

EDIT: for long haul travel I take a AA zebralight mule headlamp (forgot the model), daylight tint
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I suppose my thinking is that I want to use an item until I can no longer fix it. At which point I still probably will not dip into any of my extra gear but instead just buy a replacement. Plus I like to keep broken gear, for parts.
This. This all sounds very familiar indeed... and is how I still use 16y/o headphones. Just about everything in them has been replaced bar the outside shells and headband, but they keep trucking along. It's also how you wind up with boxes of broken stuff lying around "just in case"... ask me how I know. :p

ma tumba said:
The rest of my 20+ lights are just for fun.
Honestly, one of the best bits about being able to drop everything else in the "toys" category like this is that it helps rid one of the need to justify the purchase. :p
I have been carrying a Fenix LD12 2017 with a 14500 and an Olight H1 Nova headlamp almost every day since they were each released. The only time I haven't carried the LD12 is when I have been carrying my Eagletac D25A clicky but that hasn't been too often.

I don't switch as these two have taken some serious abuse and keep on working just fine. The outputs and runtimes are plenty for me and they are simple to use quickly. I like my edc items to be second nature and be able to use them without thinking about how many clicks I need or how long to hold a button to make a light work.
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