Do you think anyone will ever make...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 7, 2004
Saskatoon SK Canada
a side-by-side 2AA or 2AAA light? Basically like the SPY but using thinner cells (for easier pocket carry).

I personally would like a 2AAA light. It would be about the size of two Arc-AAA's. The LED would be in-line with one of the cells and the button or knob in-line with the other cell (basically a mini-SPY with a small reflector like the L0P and a small knob or button).

I love my MillerMods 3-level LOP but avoided the 1.5W high setting (I picked 0.75W) because of the short run time of 30 minutes (using a 900 mAh Sanyo NiMH cell). With two cells the run time could be well over an hour. Plus you would have the option of using the Energizer lithium cells or alkaline cells.

The problem with side-by-side lights is that they have to be milled rather than lathed (or perhaps cast) so costs are much higher than cylindrical lights. Thus maybe only high-end lights will ever be made this way which probably excludes AAA lights (too low brow perhaps :) ).

Regards - Greg
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There are plastic lights like this but I would rather have an Al body myself. A 2xAA Al side by side twisty with the body being contoured to show the battery shape and individual screw in tailcaps. I would like that, sadly if it was made here I couldn't afford it. Maybe Fenix could do it for me?
One of my favorite EDC size lights is the AAA lights (Arc/Peak/Fenix etc.) since it fits in the pocket best without being too wide. This is about the smallest size "common" cell that still allows decent brightness AND runtime. I prefer an AA light when I know I will be using a light more due to its longer runtime.

A side-by-side AAA would be great and provide additional runtime. The circuit could be more efficient running at 3 volts. Also - AAA primary lithium cells are now available that were not a few years back. This would be a fantastic little EDC.

The closest is the UK AAA light but it is not very bright. I think it would be a great light if they would improve it with either a Nichia DS or low powered Rebel/Cree/SSC. I am suprised that someone has not come out with this combo. The CR123 lights came to existance because of the 3 volts and lithium storage capacity. Two lithium AAA cells gets close to this performance but in a much more "pocket" friendly configuration.

So I am still waiting........................................................
I would like an inline 2AAA. Basically a 2AAA body for the L0D-CE. That would make it about the same size as the average pen, while doubling the runtime. Maybe add a clickie at the back and I'll be set.

I'm not really a fan of the Spy's design. If it was side by side, I'd like two emitters at the front each running at low current, like 100mA. At the back, one half would be a clickie, and the other half would screw open for cell insertion.
I think a 2xAAA side by side light is a great idea.

I have a see through UK 2AAA eLED:

I love the 2xAAA side by side form factor. I had it on my keychain for a while and found it tolerable, but it would be really great by itself as it would lay flat in a pocket. The light is fairly cheap at $18 from Brightguy. The plastic body is great for a EDC light. I wouldn't worry about dinging up a plastic light nearly as much as an aluminum one.

I also love the looks of the UK 2AAA. The downside is the awful beam. On my two year old one it is just a faint blue disk with artifacts. The only use I have for the UK 2AAA eLED is as a emergency candle because of its long runtime.

Judging by the pics at Brightguy, the head of the eLED has changed. The head on mine is clear, where the ones at Brightguy look bigger and black. Looking at the runtimes I don't think UK made the light any brighter.

Would someone PLEASE mod the UK 2AAA eLED to be brighter! I've searched before and have never seen this light modded.
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Hey If I remember correctly Andrew Wynn was researching His Mighty Mini while he was supposed to be building Nanos. The mighty mini was a two 10440 LiIon light with a side by side arrangement. I"ve tried to find links on CPF but couldn't. Too bad he turned into such flake.
I rembered his plans but decided not to bring it up because of how his nano and other projects ended. :shakehead


Hey If I remember correctly Andrew Wynn was researching His Mighty Mini while he was supposed to be building Nanos. The mighty mini was a two 10440 LiIon light with a side by side arrangement. I"ve tried to find links on CPF but couldn't. Too bad he turned into such flake.
At TnC we have a couple AAA and AA side by side lights on the drawing board with options of single or multi emitters built in aluminum or Ti.
to Bogus1 --

Tried clicking on yer' link, but it fails.

Edit to add: OK, now it works ! Nevermind. :)

Hmmm . . . .

Should i expect otherwise from username "Bogus1" ?

(just kidding, just kidding !)

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Hey Bogus1 - that is great! I will check this out!!! Can you direct me where I can see some of this?
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The best place to monitor our products is here on CPF in our new sub forums thanks to Sasha:

TnC Products

We have a couple dozen new custom parts/lights on our agenda. We'll probably be posting the list in the future once we get more organized.

Burgess, yeah perhaps it's hard to get anyone to take me seriously with a nick like bogus1 :laughing: