Do you use the hand strap ex10 d10

do you use the ex10/d10 handstrap?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 24.3%
  • No

    Votes: 28 75.7%

  • Total voters
I don't use the lanyard with my EX10 unless I'm using it in an area that might result in loss/damage if I dropped it.

So for ~95% of edc I don't use it.
No, I use a small split ring through one of the holes next to the cutout for tail standing purposes and loop gutted paracord tied off with a knot for a three inch long lanyard.

Voila, a lanyard that doesn't interfere with tail stand capability.

This configuration can be utilized as a finger strap instead of wrist strap.
Nope, don't use mine. I've tried it a couple times, but I always end up taking it back off. When I ordered my EX10, I expected to get a weaved one like what comes with the NDI. I was a little disappointed to see a regular para-cord lanyard. Oh well, something is better than nothing.:shrug:
I answered yes to the poll, but i rebuilt the lanyard into a little longer wrist strap with a snakeskin weave at the clip.