Does a two way clip exist?

Jan 27, 2008
Gainesville, FL
:naughty:Excuse the lewdness of the crude mock up I made.:naughty:

But, has such a clip ever been made for a light. It would allow for bezel up or down cary. I would like it because I like to clip my L1 onto my hats bill but I would prefer to carry bezel down. I just thought I would share my idea.

Wvaltakis2 makes them in titanium for HDS EDC and maybe Novatacs too, looking for his thread now...but cpf is jamming up...again...
Somebody made such clips for the HDS a while back.

That was me - making Titanium Up/Down clips - the first ones made. Other than this design I came up with myself I hadn't seen any before until Mr. Bulk showed me one of his which did work either way. I would have still been making them but other very big projects (like building a new house) have taken priority. One other person later started making essentially the same clip and still offers them I believe. But none of the designs I have seen actually have the unique 'hold' and the feel of it locking on that mine had (the few I built) As they were pushed all the way on - especially in the bezel down position you'd feel a 'grab'. And being Titanium it didn't let go easy. I figure if I can make such a clip by hand someone ought to be able to make them in a machine shop. They were very difficult to get all the bends in it but I'm sure it could be done. I offered the design freely to Henry if he wanted to duplicate it and use it on future HDS lights but perhaps it was not that feasible of an idea for mass production. When I'm done building my house I may again offer these.
Wvaltakis2 clips That's the link to the currently offered ones.

Sorry Matrix, I didn't know about yours, otherwise I would have definantly mentioned it! :oops:

No problem - it's been long enough ago that many here were not around back then. I'm just glad to see it brought up again as clips often seem like just an afterthought on many lights. A good clip can make a big difference in usefullness.