I haven't read the entire thread, though I did the first 2 pages and the last 2.
I wasn't an early adopter of Surefire lights; I thought you'd have to be insane to drop $80 on a flashlight, though of course I couldn't afford it, so obviously those grapes were sour.
Eventually it happened that I got an E1B Backup, way back in the day. Must be rather more than ten years ago. It was everything I wanted: small, bright, narrow spot beam with serious reach (for the time), and, ideally, the switch default was high/low. I could access either with a push (or 2, for low) and lock on with a click. Perfect for what I wanted.
Eventually it was lost, and replaced with another. Subsequently two more were added, because it had become apparent that nothing you really like in the marketplace will be available forever.
After a while the lumen wars got to me, and I started accumulating more powerful Surefires. Some I liked, some I didn't care for - mostly because of the switching methods.
I have to say that the newer lights have both surprised and delighted me. I got the Fury Intellibeam solely for the lumens, but didn't care for the spill, nor did the throw leave me impressed. Over time I realised its true worth was as an everything light; the auto adjusting made it useful in a variety of settings, and I've come to value that.
Last year I fell prey to the EDC1-DFT; again, not perfect, but one can live with the splashback in exchange for the throw. Useless in the woods, but just the same it's an excellent general duty light for the urban/suburban scene. Despite still appreciating my Backups, I'll probably pick up duplicates of the latter two, lest Surefire chooses to DC them. (OK, maybe I'll get the EDC2 DFT instead, just for the variety).
Some guy on a gunboard listed an old Titan -ndunno which model, just says Titan patent pending - for 50 bucks, so I grabbed it for the keyring. Wish I could find a half-dozen more for the price.
So the glory days passed without my notice, though I can't say I miss any incandescents except my 40, 60 100 watt screw-based bulbs whose warmth so pleases me around the house. Damn govt needs to get out of the way of people's preferences with its bogus green bullshit. Let the marketplace alone, as it seems the people with the money know what they want, the dotGovs only know what they think we should need, and they're usually wrong.
Oops, ranting again. Pretty sure they're planning internment camps for people like me.
Hard to imagine Surefire would come up with a light that I don't know I really need again, but they keep doing it, so I'll wait and see what comes down the pike . . .