Does the E2DL come with luxeon v or the P4? If not what led does the E2DL use?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 25, 2008
Just curious if the E2DL, if the newest models come with a P4 led instead of a Luxeon V? I think I have the Luxeon V and appears to have a warm temperature and the P4 has a blue temperature?

Maybe I received an older batch of the E2DL?

Sorry for excessive postings today, I just found out what Luxeon V and what P4 are..
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Re: Does the E2DL come with luxeon v or the P4?

None of the E2DL's have a LuxV.

The color has little to do with it being LuxV or P4. We used to call it the Luxeon lottery not knowing which color you will get.
Re: Does the E2DL come with luxeon v or the P4?

Have You Visited The Welcome Mat?

Q: What's the "Luxeon Lottery"?
A: Different samples of "white" Luxeon emitters, even ones of the exact same classifcation (known as "bin"), can vary in their light output and tint at a particular drive level. Some are slightly green, or purple, or other colors, while others have less noticable coloring. This term can apply to any high-powered LED with natural variations in tint and output.

*Quoted From Here

The Brand Of LED/Light Has Nothing To Do With The Tint.
Re: Does the E2DL come with luxeon v or the P4?

None of the E2DL's have a LuxV.

The color has little to do with it being LuxV or P4. We used to call it the Luxeon lottery not knowing which color you will get.

What led is in the E2DL? I found a thread around here that compared an old U2 to the new U2A I believe and the U2A had the P4 while the older U2 had the Luxeon v which had the same temperature as my E2DL..

The P4 seems to have the blue tint and the led looks just like the one in my 6PL with the four metal corners around the led.
Re: Does the E2DL come with luxeon v or the P4?

What led is in the E2DL? I found a thread around here that compared an old U2 to the new U2A I believe and the U2A had the P4 while the older U2 had the Luxeon v which had the same temperature as my E2DL..

The P4 seems to have the blue tint and the led looks just like the one in my 6PL with the four metal corners around the led.

The E2DL (along with the new E1L, E2L, E1B and L1) uses a Cree emitter. Not sure what bin (probably Q5) but it's a Cree. Just like any other emitter Crees vary in terms of tint and, unless they specify an exact tint bin, you never know what tint you'll get with a Surefire or any other light................
You happened to run into a warm tinted E2DL (it's A SSC P4, you got lucky or maybe you want a cooler white one)
E2DL use a Cree XR-E emitter behind an optic. As do the other models listed by superflytnt. Older SF models that used the old Luxeon V were L2, L4, L5, L6 and original U2. There is a new version of the U2 that apparently uses an SSC P4. The P60L Dropins for SF 6P and G2 Nitrolon bodies also uses an SSC P4.

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