
*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
has anyone here ever had a human freind as loyal as a dog?..only freind i have had i trusted 100 perecnt was a dog. how about you?
If you want extremely loyalty, forget human-beings. Get you a dog!
Kinda sad we have to look outside of our own species to get a truly dedicated friend.
Donkeys are really loyal and protective too.
They like attention like a dog
Our rabbits like attention as well as convey affection, with their personalities and antics being fun and interesting, but a dog can be so much more. It's as if their long association with humans has enabled them to understand and communicate with us like no other species.

Another set of eyes, ears and nose can come in mighty handy at times.

It is good for us to smile and laugh occasionally for retention of health and sanity. A dog can empower that.
has anyone here ever had a human freind as loyal as a dog?
not really... but I do know my dawg would go to hell and back with me, anytime. and same goes the other way around, obviously.

here she is in her "it's not just a phase it's who I am" hairdo
My dog passed away just before Christmas. And up until now the longest I have been without a dog is two weeks.

I still have the cat, who is great but it's not the same.

I will have a dog again no doubt, but not right now as I can't afford the insurance on two animals right now.
the cool thing about dogs is they really love thee humans and not just becuase we feed them they love us for us. many dogs wont even eat if there owner goes away. my chow mix was my best freind so smart so protetive but alos sweet to the right humans and critters .
i watched a specail on this the other day forgot most about it but it had something to do about sweat and other scent cues
my chow mix was a gaurd dog yet he let the cenile woman next door in are yard when she got conffused .he also let critter eat his food. so sweet so gentle .but if you dont belong he would go pure bad azz..i miss this dog mutts are best
Toby the Pit-Bulldog-Boxer-Mastiff-Rottweiler-Cocker Spaniel-Beagle mix (all in there - I had him tested!):

He routinely does impressions of having a hangover:

I think he's figured out that escaping the pound has been a pretty good deal so far. Got something to prove to other dogs, however...
I think that's also an important point, dogs instinctively know people, my dog has a 100% success rate on IDing if people are good or bad
I'll just say this.... It's weird being told "My dog likes you."
But also having dated someone else who breaks up with you because she tells you the opposite. Apparently there was no consensus.