Dorcy super 1 watt CR123 mod


Jan 27, 2003
Nashville, TN
Okay, I have gone through several pages of search results looking for an answer to this question. I've got a Dorcy Super 1 Watt CR123 light from Target. I normally carry the thing around in my pocket for it's small size.

Anyways, I've been thinking lately that it really doesn't seem all that bright and I would really like to boost the output on it. I've already completely disassembled the light and it should be a cinch to drop in a new LED. I'm just not sure which P4 or Cree would be the correct replacement for the Luxeon in this light. I'm still trying to piece together and understand the binning and the like. I mean, I know what binning IS, I'm just not clear on the differences between them or what to look for.

So to anyone who has modded this little fella, any suggestions?
It depends what you are looking for.
A simple ermitter swap would be easier with a SSC-P4 in combination with a Luxeon-reflector.
When you'll need an Aspheric-lens, a Cree will give a better result.
About the SSC, I can recommend a USV0I-binning. It's warm white tint with a higher vf than a xxxxH-binning, which depends on the current in the light.

Best regards

All the recent ones I've opened had H-bin Lux 1's in them, so a replacement SSC USWOH or USVOH will run at the same drive level and generate no more heat than stock (and it will survive on RCR123s). The SSC gives a perfect beam if you slightly modify the reflector. No need to alter the emitter height so it's simplest to buy the SSC P4 already on a star.
Thanks. I had figured it would be easiest to buy a star mounted one. What sort of changes would need to be made to the reflector?

Also, I keep the light in my pocket. Is there any way to keep it from turning on accidentally and chewing up my batteries? I usually don't realize it unless I notice that my leg is getting uncomfortably warm and by then it's been on for quite some time. Also the lens is rather scuffed, any easy solution to that?
I replaced the switch with an old one I had laying around. I believe it came out of one of my QIII's. It was too big to go right in so I did a little dremeling. The original switch is kind of pressed in, you also have to remove the crimp from around the base of the cap. A small vise and a small socket works well to get the switch out. Be careful not to tear the switch boot as it is kind of thin. With the dremel, cut 4 "corners" out for clearence for the new switch. Then cut 1 more clearence in between 2 of the 4 corners. This is for the lead that will connect to the spring. When everything looks good, press in the new switch. If you decide to do this, you will see all the little details I didn't mention. It's a lot of work, but I like the light but hated the switch. I only have 1 picture of the conversion after I back filled with epoxy, but you will get the idea.
Good luck Bob :)

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I went on a modding binge Saturday night and modded 3 of these lights with SSC P4 U-bin stars.

A very simple mod with great results.
I didn't do the reflector mod since the beam seems fine for my use.

The light output now matches that of my Romisen RC-C3 with a Cree P4.

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