Drake body / Draco head incompatibility??


May 28, 2002
Neenah, WI
Hello all: Again, not sure of the best place to post this, but here goes - I have an AlTiN Draco, and I picked up a Drake body from a friend. Here's the problem - I can FIT the Draco head to the Drake body, and get it to work, but I only have half a thread holding them together, and sure poop they'll separate at some totally inconvenient time and place, and I'll lose something.:(

The battery length is 18.2 mm, right where it's supposed to be. And if if I look at the two batteries in their tubes, in the Draco the battery sits down about 2mm compared to Drake.

SO what I first thought was battery issues may just be an incompatibility between the Drake and Draco bodies. There's a BIG solder blob under the light engine that functions the + contact, that maybe can be taken down, but likely at the cost of the 10280's not working with the Draco head, which I want to keep functioning.

So, am I SOL??? Do I look for a shorter battery, or just sell sell the body? anybody have any ideas?:confused:
Thanks in advance,