Driver for Q5 Cree running on 2xAA?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 8, 2008
I'm trying to fix a Ultrafire C3 that fizzed out and wanted to know what driver/circuit board I would need to properly run a Cree Q5 with 2xAA's....or is that even possible? Would I be better off with running a P4 off 2xAA's...if so, which driver?

Thanks in advance!:D
SKU 7882 from DX is ideal for this application as you can tune the output via a pot for any given input (within range).

In fact if you wanted to go nuts you could probably push the Q5 pretty hard if you wanted on 2xNiMh like 1a+.

I think they sell a newer version now which has a better simpler low>med>hi group.
Thanks a ton for the info Bigsy! :wave:
Would you or anyone else know where I can get the simpler version? Thanks again! :D
If you order that one to my knowledge you will receive the updated version with a simple low/med/hi group.

It's just DX being crap at updating with latest specs on their site, as per.

EDIT: If you read the second topic down here:

It suggests they're shipping the updated version.
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Hi all,

Beware that sku.7882 has a diameter of 17mm and an height of 10 mm

the ultrafire C3 has only 16mm diam and not more than 8 mm depth...

I am not sure that this driver will fit into the copper ring of the ultrafire C3

If you want precides measures of the ultrafire C3 I can provide them !

see here the "exploded version" of this flashlight :laughing:

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It's quite easy to dremmel or file off 1mm from the edge of the driver, in fact this will probably be the case with any driver you buy for an AA sized pill.

And the 10mm height includes the components on the underside of the board which of course don't sit inside the pill.

I would be shocked if it didn't fit tbh.
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Check out sku 4735 for a single mode. I've found with 1AA (whether nimh or 14500 li-ion) it pulls about 1A from the battery. *Very* nice with a li-ion, as far as output. 2AA NiMH would probably be a great combintion of runtime and brightness.
Hi all,

Beware that sku.7882 has a diameter of 17mm and an height of 10 mm

the ultrafire C3 has only 16mm diam and not more than 8 mm depth...

I am not sure that this driver will fit into the copper ring of the ultrafire C3

If you want precides measures of the ultrafire C3 I can provide them !

see here the "exploded version" of this flashlight :laughing:


I wonder who makes that caliper. I have the samn dame thing, bought from good 'ol HF Tools
If you order that one to my knowledge you will receive the updated version with a simple low/med/hi group.

It's just DX being crap at updating with latest specs on their site, as per.

EDIT: If you read the second topic down here:

It suggests they're shipping the updated version.

Thanks for going through the trouble to find this info! Seems like a nice driver if it's has the 3-mode group. :thumbsup:

Buck91 said:
Check out sku 4735 for a single mode. I've found with 1AA (whether nimh or 14500 li-ion) it pulls about 1A from the battery. *Very* nice with a li-ion, as far as output. 2AA NiMH would probably be a great combintion of runtime and brightness.

Wow, that's a lot of juice from a single 1xAA. I'd rather have the option for a low mode for this application. I'll probably up modding another light with this driver if I'm able to pull off this mod. :devil:

[B said:
freedom2000[/B]] Beware that sku.7882 has a diameter of 17mm and an height of 10 mm...the ultrafire C3 has only 16mm diam and not more than 8 mm depth...
I am not sure that this driver will fit into the copper ring of the ultrafire C3
If you want precides measures of the ultrafire C3 I can provide them !
see here the "exploded version" of this flashlight :laughing:


Useful info here and your link "exploded version" was a helpful and interesting read. :twothumbs The topic of that post is exactly what I'm trying to figure out. I'm looking for the right driver to match up with the Q5 to produce some nice results. I've heard far too many stories of folks upgrading to Q5 and seeing minimal results due to being paired up with the wrong driver. :ohgeez:It's my understanding from what I've read that Q5 requires higher Vf...yada, yada....what's all that mean in plain english?:shrug:

What did you finally decide on Freedom2000?...was it worth upgrading to Q5 when only driven from AA's?
Useful info here and your link "exploded version" was a helpful and interesting read. :twothumbs The topic of that post is exactly what I'm trying to figure out.
What did you finally decide on Freedom2000?...was it worth upgrading to Q5 when only driven from AA's?

I finally decided :
3 weeks ago to buy the Cree Q5
3 weeks ago to buy this driver which is useless with a 2AA config... as it is a linear driver working with Vin > Vf led...
4 days ago to buy this driver

I hope that it will be "the good one" :thumbsup:when I will receive it within 3 weeks more :shakehead

But I am very patient and mainly excited by "inside the flashlight" rather than "outside" :devil:

Yes you miss something --> this :

Total 19 Brightness modes in 3 groups:
- 1) Lo-Mid-Hi-Fast strobe-SOS
- 2) Lo-Mid-Hi-Fast strobe-Warning strobe-SOS
- 3) Lo-Mid-Hi-Fast strobe-Warning strobe-3Hz Slow strobe-1Hz Slow strobe-SOS

There is a way to change the group and then to have only 1) 2) or 3)
The first group will be my prefered one (just one useless flashing SOS mode)

Yes you miss something --> this :

Total 19 Brightness modes in 3 groups:
- 1) Lo-Mid-Hi-Fast strobe-SOS
- 2) Lo-Mid-Hi-Fast strobe-Warning strobe-SOS
- 3) Lo-Mid-Hi-Fast strobe-Warning strobe-3Hz Slow strobe-1Hz Slow strobe-SOS

There is a way to change the group and then to have only 1) 2) or 3)
The first group will be my prefered one (just one useless flashing SOS mode)

I linked the wrong product, but it was over the same issue anyways. I don't know why they'd call it 19 modes

When I saw it's got 19 modes I was like :huh:
then when I realized it's really
Low, Medium, High, fast strobe, SOS in every group
Group 1. add nothing
Group 2. add Warning Strobe
Group 3. add 3Hz, 1Hz strobe

meaning 5,6 or 8 mode with number of funtions selectable by group selection presented as 19 modes by counting "off" as mode, then counting modes common to all three groups three separate times as if they're different modes.

I was :sick:
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