It may be that the BBNG is not running in full regulation, hence my getting less than 1000ma output for a Seoul P4/BBNG1000/1xSF123A setup (which, to stay on-topic, should be close to the voltage under load for 2xNiMH):
Interestingly, Wayne states that safe mode input current is 1A while I measured 1.2A for my setup.
Perhaps using an RCR123A instead of the SF123A primary would kick the board into full regulation. Similarly, maybe you can use 3xNiMH instead of 2xNiMH to get full regulation.
Anyone know if the BBNG can take an AW16340 driving a Seoul P4 U2SW0H-bin LED? The Shoppe product description says that the BBNG can take 0.7V of input overvoltage above Vf, so it seems possible (though close to a fully charged Li-ion's 4.2V voltage). But I hate to fry a functioning driver board/LED setup. I suppose one could use a less-than-fully-charged Li-ion -- say 4.0V resting voltage.
Yes, I have also seen comments by Wayne and others that the BB used to have the 2A input current limit, and now it is ~1.5A. But it is unclear to me that this limit applies to the BBNG. The link you provided says that 1.5A is the
safe mode current limit for the BBNG. That is different from the max limit for the input current. The TI regulator IC in the BBNG implements a soft start to protect the IC from shorts. The boost switch current is set to 40% of the nominal value to avoid high peak currents at the battery during startup.
40% of 4000ma turns out to be 1.6A, which is probably where the more conservative safe mode 1.5A figure comes from.
The first link listed below states that the IC in the GD board is spec'ed at 1.2A input current.
Another issue is heat generation and dissipation. Even if one of these 14mm boards can take >1.5A input current, the extra heat generated at these higher input currents has to go somewhere. So now thermal management becomes the limiting factor.
Here are some links: