E1E & E2E Incan Question.

OK. Did not realize they dropped that much underload. Quite surprised. I would assume that if a battery was designed to be regulated at 3 V, it should output 3 V. Regardless of the load. Within reason.
That battery will not drop to 3 volt because of load. It's electronically dropped to 3 volt without load or 2.5 volt under load of 1.5A very similar to primary CR123A
BTW, primary CR123A has nominal voltage of 3 volt without load. It will drop to about 2.5 volt under load of 1.2 Amp (P60) or about 2.2 volt under load of 2.4 Amp (P61)
That battery will not drop to 3 volt because of load. It's electronically dropped to 3 volt without load or 2.5 volt under load of 1.5A very similar to primary CR123A
BTW, primary CR123A has nominal voltage of 3 volt without load. It will drop to about 2.5 volt under load of 1.2 Amp (P60) or about 2.2 volt under load of 2.4 Amp (P61)
No. I mean it's electronically regulated at 3 v. So it should be 3 v. Regardless of load. Until it's maxed out. My a2 aviator is regulated to 4v, regardless of current draw. That's how I would expect a regulated cell to behave. Otherwise, it's not regulated
I know you've brought this up quite a few times before. But I have never seen anyone else say this is how these cells works. Where are you getting this info from? In all my research of these cells, they work like I said they should. And people have popped p60 bulbs immediately on them. Or claimed a very white and flat output. Telling me they are indeed outputting 3v.
I know this is off topic. But I don't want people blowing bulbs because they're under the impression that these are a direct rechargeable replacement for primary cr123a cells. In a led with some voltage overhead they will be fine. If they fit.
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Based on my own use the 3v rcr123's have a very flat output with a p60 until the protection shuts the cells off. I only used one particular p60 with these cells, it started out a brand new unused lamp and probably only lasted a few hours of use with a few cell recharge cycles (rough estimate) before it flashed.

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