E2DL beam color?


Jul 30, 2008
What "color" on the spectrum are these normally considered?

Neutral white?
I think it varies from light to light.

I'd say mine is cool, maybe leaning toward blue.

I have a few Q3-5A's in the mail and may have to swap the emitter after seeing what it did to my EX10. The color rendering is like nothing I have seen from an LED...Awesome!
I think it varies from light to light.

I'd say mine is cool, maybe leaning toward blue.

I have a few Q3-5A's in the mail and may have to swap the emitter after seeing what it did to my EX10. The color rendering is like nothing I have seen from an LED...Awesome!

The E2DL is sealed head though isn't it? How would you swap the emitter?
I've had two - both were cool. Not as cool as my G2L though ... that light leans a lot more towards blue.
My E2DL is coolish but my E1B is warmish. It's evidently a crapshoot with Surefire.
It's evidently a crapshoot with Surefire.
It's not just Surefire. It's almost every flashlight company that makes LED light.

I don't think enough people know that each LED made can have a very different tint then another one of the same make, model and bin(both flux and tint). LEDs are made, and then sorted for tint, output, and sometimes forward voltage. They aren't made to a specific tint, they are made then sorted. Many flashlight companies buy from many different tint and flux bin, it's probably cheaper that way. Some companies only use a specific flux bin for certain lights and a few use specific tint bins too, but even the ones who use a specific tint and flux bin can still have visible differences in tint.

A LED light not having the tint you read about in a review, post, or picture is not the fault of the flashlight manifacturer.
I was under the impression that some companies "sort" by tint bin more precisely than others. Some even go as far as to offer a particular tint (WC, for example). I've no idea what degree of sorting SF does but my two lights could almost be from different tint bins, they're that different. Not what I'd expect in a $150 light.
I was under the impression that some companies "sort" by tint bin more precisely than others. Some even go as far as to offer a particular tint (WC, for example). I've no idea what degree of sorting SF does but my two lights could almost be from different tint bins, they're that different. Not what I'd expect in a $150 light.

A good rule to go by is the following:

A particular model or brand is sorted by tint only if it is specified as such. Otherwise, all bets are off. And the latter category includes the vast majority of LED lights sold, including most premium models.

My impression with Surefire (based on anecdotes only) is that they likely have a minimum brightness specification, and that they may reject the ugliest of the ugly green or purple tints. But I know that they do release a wide range of tints.
i dont know about the E2DL tint. but i can tell u my experience with E1B. I had came across 2 E1B with warm tint.. and one E1B with a slightly purple tint.

the purple tint one seems to be brighter..though
My E2DL is a nice warm tint as well. If there is a Surefire retailer near you, see if they have a couple that you can compare. Thats what I did as my local store had 4 to pick from. I had him open every one and they all were different. I came home with the warmest one :naughty:
I found that my Dereelight CL1H had a nicer tint of white than my E2DL when last compared at work. No noticable difference in effect however. I simply found the CL1H to be slightly warmer to view with.