EagleTac M3C4 SST-50 409 lumens ?

Look at the turbo runtime with CR123s. There has to be something wrong, either with the sample or the design.
Wow that's just a little bit off from the info on eagletac's website :shakehead

"Luminus SST-50 W65S WJ LED: 20/70/215/470/1000 MAX lumen at the LED"

"The EagleTac M3C4 is a compact 11 Watt high output LED flashlight offering 1000 Bulb lumen with 800 O.T.F. lumen at turbo mode (SST-50 and triple XP-G R5 models) and a maximum of 100+ hours regulated runtime at the 15 lumen low output mode."

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Less than 10min o turbo using CR123a!!! :duh2:

PS: And the donut artifact in the beam? Its the most awful I've ever seen! :sick2:
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I've been thinking for a while that the company was going down hill but they still made great lights. It seems the lights are now an issue too. Hopefully, this was just a one off mistake. If I were EagleTac, I would test the lights to make sure they were up to par before I sent them out. Nope, not them. Too much work:oops:
I been testing SST-50 lights from Neofad, Olight, and a couple others and they all do relatively 400~sub 600 OTF at 1000 emitter lumens.

I'm not surprised, now what they could do is use copper, a SSR-50, and bolt down the star with screws to help with heat transfer.

Of course a bunch of other things too.

Why bother with SST-50 version when there is the triple XP-G version? It is cheaper and possibly much closer to advertised lumens.
Why bother with SST-50 version when there is the triple XP-G version? It is cheaper and possibly much closer to advertised lumens.

I prefer this too, but the SSR-50 can be made simple in a DD format and offer some throw to boot.

Tripple XP-G's are more efficient, run cooler, and offfer more OTF lumens. The only thing you loose is throw.

In this case throw should be also better with triple XP-G version than with SST-50. At least according to EagleTac specifications.
That's both surprising and disappointing. :shakehead I held off on buying an M2C4 waiting for the latest and greatest M3C4, but it certainly does pay off waiting for several reviews before pulling the trigger. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the triple XP-G version to perform better than the 409 lumens OTF of the SST-50.

Kind of weird though, my P20C2 Mark II is one helluva light and light-reviews rated it at 300+ lumens OTF. Could it be a defective unit? QC issue?
I almost held off on my M2XC4 - as I was warned that Eagletac was about to come out with something new. I'm glad I pulled the trigger...

The M2XC4 supply seems to have dried up too - I guess its been discontinued. I'm glad I got mine...
Wow, only 409 OTF, this is disappointing to me, now I guess I'll be going for an Olight M31, which was my next choice after this.
initially the m3 supposed to be releases end of june, and i was informed that eagletac received new manufacturing equipment and it was delayed. Finally the it was announced this month. So it took them more than 2 months to finally release it. I thought that the delay was due to them testing the product but maybe i was wrong, if the problem applied to all the m3c4 sst-50 instead of this sample tested by light-reviews.

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