
Newly Enlightened
Dec 2, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area
OK, Folks...

here's my personal view on the EagleTac T10L light.

I just ordered the light on 7 Dec 08, and received it on 11 Dec 08. I purchased it directly from the EagleTac store. (Kudos, EagleTac. Warp-12 delivery is always appreciated by the customer)!!! I got it at the cheapest price I could find, with their discount coupon. (Click CPF8 at purchase to receive the discount).


First-off, I did some massive searching and reading of all the reviews and comments I could find on this flashlight. And only after seeing that no one had any complaints of this light (besides things like preferring other functions over these functions), did I decide to purchase my next EDC torch. This torch got rave reviews, and no one seems to have anything bad to say about it. (At least that I could find).

Now before I state my views...be aware...these are MY PERSONAL OPINIONS. So don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful. (You know what I mean).

When the light arrived, I was all stoked and ready to place a new set of batteries in it. My other light (and every day carry) is the Fenix TK11 - so it was the standard by which it was to be judged by. (My Fenix TK11 is just about the most perfect light I've ever owned)

The first thing I noticed about the EagleTac T10L was the end clicky button.

It was horrible!!! (Sorry, no way around that one).

Because the clicky button was recessed BELOW the end cap (giving it the ability to "tailstand"), I could not get my thumb deep enough in there to depress it.

Look at the pictures below to understand my madness.

In these next two pictures, I took some shots of the end cap. Notice that it has two different styles of "shallow scallops" cut into the end cap. (One cut is large, and the other is cut small). If you were to quickly pick-up and grab the light and place your thumb on the end cap without any thought (like in an emergency situation), and you didn't position your thumb so it rests within the LARGER SCALLPOED CUT - you would not be able to turn ON the light. And even if you did get it to turn on, it took a lot of force (not acceptable), and it would only be in the HALF PRESSED position. No matter what I did, if my thumb was laid flat on the button, I could not click the button to stay ON permanently.



Below are two more pictures. Notice what I was talking about above. If my thumb was laid FLAT on the button, I could only depress the clicky button enough to only go half way...and only with force.


But if I held it in an alternate position (with my index finger finger-tip angled to press the clicky button all the way in) it would work. But who in "Tar-Nations" grabs a light in this position during an emergency situation...or with a handgun in the other hand?!


Now if someone has a "fleshy, meaty thumb," then this will probably be no problem. But me...?

This initial observation was of paramount importance to me. Even if everthing else was absolutely perfect, this one factor excluded me from owning this light.


Because I need my flashlight to work...and it needs to work IMMEDIATELY when I grab for it!!

And there's a second (just as important) issue I found with this recessed clicky button: I use two modes of carry for my flashlight with a pistol. One is the police overhand method, and the other is a modified cigar grip. (I use a modified version of the Cigar Grip, in that I depress the button with the knuckle of my pistol grip/firing hand). And with this recessed clicky button, both of these methods are now "thrown out dee door". (I can't depress it enough with the overhand grab. And I cannot depress it with the knuckle of my firing hand - which also places great pain on my wittle bwitty digit).

Below is my modified Cigar Grip with the Fenix TK11.


If I'm being kinda hard, I don't mean to be. These are just my personal opinions. But the "tail stand" method, in my opinion, is useless in a tactical light. Not only does it hamper the above mentioned uses, but it has no real world value. Think about it: The tailstand function can only be use in a perfectly flat, HORIZONTAL, position. (Any diagonal slant on the surface, and the light will fall sideways). Now where in God's green earth is something totally, and naturally, flat? I have been all over the world, and in the harshest environments (Middle East deserts, Panama Jungle, Mojave Desert, freezing Germany, Nicaragua, etc...) and never would I be able to use the "tailstand method". If you want the light (any light - be it round, square, or whatever) to point upward, then lean it against something, or place it between something, to point upwards.

OK, OK...if you're in the comfort of your home, then that's a different story. Or if you don't have electricity, and are in a workshop of something... (You got me there).

All I can say for the "tailstand cap" on a tactical light is: MARKETING GIMMICK.

Another thing I didn't like about the EagleTac T10L was it's shape. It was too narrow.

I know it's a great carry light...but it still needs to have some girth and "meat" to it, if it wants to be categorized as a "tactical light". If you look at it's profile, it has a wide circumference at the light end, and a smaller circumference at it's tailcap end. It's almost like a sleek, smooth, triangle.


If you want to wear a three piece suit, and carry it in your vest pocket, that's fine. But I see no use for a "sleek, slim, light" in a tactical/field/emergency situation. (Ever been in freezing temps with limited sensation of your digits while violently shaking? Ever been hunting and had your hands full of blood? Ever been hiking or climbing, and had your hands trembling from exertion? Ever been in a life and death situaltion, and were struggling to control your extremities from shaking)? A sleek little light is not gonna cut it...especially with it's trialgular shape.

As for the detacheable clip (attached to the lamp facing UPWARDS?!!), I would never use it, so it was removed. But after seeing and feeling the awkward shape of the light, I realized that I needed to reattach it to get a good grip on the light.

I didn't like that at all - having to keep something on the light, even though I wanted to remove it, just so that I could grip it correctly.

And that's about it.

The light beam itself was pretty nice. It was a tad on the green side when compared to my Fenix TK11, but it was acceptable. As a matter of fact, you couldn't really see the green tint unless I had the Fenix TK11 "ON" at the same time, side-by-side.

It was not a throw light like my Fenix TK11 (with SMO reflector), but it was a great flood light - with it's OP reflector. In low mode, and in the tail stand position pointed at my white ceiling, it provided a nice low light in the living-room. (Great for an emergency situation). But being able to tailstand is not a priority to me. As a flashlight, it needs to work EVERY TIME I GRAB IT, FROM WHATEVER POSITION I GRAB IT IN. I can always tail stand it some other way if the world should ever start coming to an end. (Did I mention that I think the "tailstand function" is just a marketing gimmick)?

I agree with everyone about it's brightness. (At 255 lumens, it's blazing)! And I agree that it's "flood function" would have complimented my Fenix TK11's "throw function". But in my personal opinion, the con's outweighed the pro's...and it's getting sent back.

I am now looking at either the JETBeam Jet-III M, or the Olight M20 Warrior, to replace it.

Till next time.

In Christ: Raymond

PS: I just thought about one more thing...just to drive in my point. The light also has a built-in "tactical ring". (At least that's what I've read other "reviewers" say). And to prove my point - again - if you grab the light in the traditional Cigar Grip (light between first and index finger, and clicky switch resting on palm) and try to depress the clicky button using your palm...it ain't gonna happen. The light will not turn on.

Just another emphasis on the error of a recessed clicky switch on a "tactical" flashlight.

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That was quite a detailed and helpful review imho. I never really thought the ergonomics of the T10L could prove to be so distracting. But the pics you attached really brought the point across. Looks like Eagletac could stand to re-evaluate the design of some of their lights, especially their "tactical" lineup. I guess that's one of the reasons why the TK11 continues to be such a popular choice among LEOs.

Anyhow hope you have better luck with whatever light you decide to go with next. Be sure to report back, I'm interested to know what you end up with and how you get along with it :thumbsup:
Especially now, they just up the ante with the new TK11 R2 Edition! Nice review, you illustrated some very valid points for improvement.
Ones man's treasure is anothers garbage.....

These are valid points and make the light no good for the OP. They might make it no good for you too.

Personally I love this light. I use a Harries grip and have no problem working the tail button even when the raised portions are under my thumb. In other words I can use momentary or click it for constant on no matter how the light is indexed under my thumb. At the same time the switch is recessed enough that I can pocket carry it and it does not ever come on by accident.

I admit I too ditched the clip, but about the only thing I don't like about this light is the clicky gives a very loud click. For under $60 including shipping this thing is awesome....for me.
Could this thread double as a for sale thread? :devil:

I was wondering about this light, I was curious, too. Thank you for demystifying it. :)

I was thinking about getting a Jetbeam Military with a Neutral emitter for my car light.

this thread "could be" a for sale advertisement. He' he' he'.

But in all truthfulness, it was honestly written as a review, stating my observations of the light from personal experience.

I have contacted EagleTac, and am awaiting the information I need to return it.

I paid $63.00 for this light, shipped to my door. If you are interested in purchasing it, drop me a line. I will take $60.00 for it...but I will only accept PayPal for the payment.

It still have the package, the original sales receipt, everything.

Glad I was able to put out information on this desighn that no one else had. I'm surprised that no one else had written about such obvious points.

In Christ: Raymond
RaymondMillbrae, I will not waste your time trying to talk you into not returning this light, just because I love mine. But what I will do is recommend that you don't buy the JetBeam JetIII M (which I also love) either.

If you think the T10L's switch is hard to operate, the III M's is just as stiff, and even more recessed, with sharper crenellations on the tail. I installed rubber cigar rings on both lights, and they work fine for me, but I'm not a LEO (I assume you are). After this simple modification, the pros far outweigh the cons on both lights.

But if you did keep the EagleTac, I could recommend a further fix. From Lighthound, get one of these switches, the exact same one you love on your TK11. I have the TK10, and again, love it. The action of its switch is very easy and smooth. I'm considering buying the same switch and retrofitting it into my SureFire G3 for momentary capability.

The only thing that could be a problem (as far as from a LEO standpoint), is that when using the momentary function, the switch is almost TOO easily clicked to constsnt-on; although using your TK11 regularly, you're probably use to it.
Good post, Raymond.

Most of our posts are fairly positive and so it is nice to have a more critical post which highlights some things folks might NOT want in a light. I know I am a huge fan of the TK11 but was very interested to get this light. I may still pick one up but it's good to hear a counterpoint.

Thank you!
I like my 2 level Eagletac T10L. It also came with a decent holster.
comparing it to another recent arrival the Wolf eyes 6AX HO Sniper, it is narrower and not quite as bright on high. the regulation on 18650 is the reason I bought the Eagletac. I'll probably try a more expensive MC-E or 580 lumen Sniper next:devil: looking forward to my arrival from Electrolumens!
Thanks for all the responses, folks.

And especially you, Naked2. (What a name. I won't even ask - ha ha ha). You just saved me the trouble of having to return the Jet-III M. I hadn't noticed the end cap configuration until you mentioned it. Especially the stiffness of the button, the deeper cavity, and the sharper crenulations.

Hooo-Weee. I would have wrote another, long, psycho-babbling rant on these caps again. Tailstand caps & crenulated caps on "tactical lights" are a pet-peeve of mine. (But that's just my opinion...so be gentle with me, please).

I think I'm headed toward the Olight M20 Warrior. (I prefer the cooler WC Q5 bin, instead of the greenish/warmer WH R2 tint bin). And I think I'll go with the SMO reflector as well - but I'm not absolutely sure about the reflector yet.

As for modifying the EagleTac T10L with a non-crenulated end cap...umm..."Naw". I didn't like the shape of the light either.

It's gotta go.

But don't get me wrong, everyone is different.

Like B'hamFAL said, "One man's garbage is another man's treasure".

I am still looking around for a decent light. I have the shekels for two new toys in my pocket. One will most probably be the M20 Warrior. But now I am looking around for the second one.

I prefer it to be a bit hefty - like the M20 Warrior and the Fenix TK11. I would also prefer the cooler lights, as well as it being a good thrower.

Hmmm...seems like a Deereelight or a Wolf Eye may be in the picture now.

Any suggestions on a model?

Anyhoo...thanks again.

In Christ: Raymond
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Glad I could help! Returning things to brick and mortar stores is mostly very easy these days, but online returns can tend to be a pain!
You can easily learn to use the end portion of your thumb rather than the flat surface of your thumb to activate the light. Almost off of my lights are tailstanders and it is simle and natural with little training/thought.

Please don't take this as being rude or unappreciative of your answer, but I am 43 years old and have had a lifetime of training and "muscle memory". At this point in my life, I am not going to learn something new and adjust to a tool. Instead I will purchase a tool that is adjusted to me.

On top of that, like I stated earlier, the tailcaps with the crenulated end caps will not enable me to use my modified Cigar Grip.

And lastly, and the saddest part (boo-hoo-hoo), I lost part of my thumb while playing with my bike. (Ziiiiiiip...ouch...spurt, spurt, spurt)!!

Thanks. All comments are appreciated.

In Christ: Raymond
You can easily learn to use the end portion of your thumb rather than the flat surface of your thumb to activate the light. Almost off of my lights are tailstanders and it is simle and natural with little training/thought.

I never had any trouble activating the switch of any light, even the Raidfire Spear which many people had trouble with. For a long time I couldn't see why everyone was complaining about it (and other lights). Then one day my friend tried the Spear and had a really hard time pressing the switch. Turns out he couldn't really bend his thumb joint more than 20 or 30 degrees, wheras mine would bend a full 90 degrees. So I could easily use the tip of my thumb, but he could only use the flat portion of his thumb. I'm not really that flexible anywhere else, but I guess I should be thankful my thumb is. :lolsign:
I can see your point Raymond. I don't think it's a 'fault' with the light, but it's clearly not suited to everyone. It seems you can have a tail standing/hard to accidentally switch on light, or one that's easy to operate with the flat of your thumb. Tail-cap options would be nice.
I'm not really that flexible anywhere else, but I guess I should be thankful my thumb is. :lolsign:

um... ok :sick:

but seriously..

I just tried this thumb bend thing and I immediately realized why my friend was having trouble with my D10 yesterday.

I hereby name this a new condition.


BTW, that same frind who was looking at the D10 gave me a WORKING solar yard light so I could mod the husky light I got her for Christmas.

Working light to mod a $2.50 light.

Instant flashaholic.
Just add light.

Hey, Folks,

I've decided t get the Olight M20 Warrior with the WC Q5 bulb. (I prefer the WC Q5 bin, as I love the cooler blue lights and it's crazy throw. Whereas the Cree R2 bin casts a green and softer/warmer beam). I also want the newer version WITHOUT the Low Battery Indicator.

I have also heard that the Olight M20 Warrior (WC Q5) will only work with 18650's with nipples. (Button tops). Is this true?

Does anyone know if someone is selling one at a great price, or with free shipping?

I see that Battery Jumction is selling hem with a 5% discount code.


In Christ: Raymond
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My comment wasn't meant to be rude or crude, just meant that as I'm approaching middle-age my body's starting to break down a bit. :)