EDC help!


Dec 18, 2009
Hi all,

Im in the market for a simple 2 stage forward clicky 1AA light and was after some help.
I have considered the Eagletac p10a but find it a bit 'chunky' to be perfect, and like the size of the Fenix L1T much better but it has an out dated Q2 and i was after at least a 3/5, but if people tell me the Fenix is not to be overlooked it still could be in with a chance.
I currently have a A3 EOS SS but hate the PWM and 3 mode twist.
has anyone any experience with the L1T? and is their anything with the same UI of these 2 i have overlooked that could be ideal for me???

Thanks for any help!
most of the single AA lights have a twisty switch. As I'm not that well into LED-lights, I hope some other CPF-er will be able to find a solution for you.

I have a very simple Romisen single AAA light, one mode, with a fairly large head and a clicky switch. For the money, this one can't be beaten. Comes from DX.

Alternatively, if you can take a somewhat thicker light with just one mode, you don't have to look any further than the E1E from Surefire:


Multiple modding-options available: Lumens Factory lamps, rechargeable options with 16340 Li-ion batteries etc.
All in all, a great little light that quickly became one of my favorites.

Quark AA Tactical (R5 XP-G)
Nitecore Defender Infinity (R2 XP-E)
Also supporting the Quark AA Tactical. Very similar to the L1T except newer emitter and you select whichever 2 modes you like to use. I have mine set to medium and max mode and 90% of the time is a simple on/off light only since the 20 lumens of medium is perfect for most of what I do.
@ Ragista: that's interesting! Most of the ones I know, have a twisty. But, as I said, I'm more into incans than into LED-lights.

Can you tell me some AA-lights, that are:

A: not just as thick as a CR123-based light, and
B: have a clicky?

As far as I know, most of the AA-lights only have disadvantages when compared to CR123 based lights:
1. AA light are almost as thick as CR123A based lights, although an AA is much smaller in diameter,
2. AA light produce less light for less hours,
3. AA light are much longer than CR123 based lights.

Or do you say now: I'm totally wrong, look at ................ ???


EDIT: just took a look at this Quark 1AA tactical. It's 0.86" thick.... just as the CR123A based Quark tactical, which is only 3.2 inches long, vs. 3.8 inches for the single AA light. Maximum is 109 Lumens for 1.2 hours for the AA, where the CR123A-based light smashes this with 206 Lumens for 0.8 hours (OK, this shorter than the max for the AA, but look at that difference in output...oops!)

Do I oversee anything here? It even has a voltage range up to 4.2V here, so there's no crying about "expensive CR123A batteries". Take rechargeable Li-ions!
I just - STILL - don't see ANY point why I should buy this single AA-light over its CR123A based brother. It's longer, just as thick, and produces significantly less lumens. Now tell me: what did I miss??
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just look at the various AA roundups. except for a few relatively new lights such as the quark mini's and maratac and ezaa, by far the majority of 1xaa lights are some form of a clicky.

AA cells are also only 2mm skinnier than cr123, so not sure where your "much smaller in diameter" comes from.

loaded with 14500 cells, they will be as bright and have roughly 20% longer runtime than an equivalant cr123 based light, while retaining AA capability.

i find 1xcr123 lights far too short as a clicky. when holding it and actuating the switch, your hand covers the front of the light. 1xaa is just long enough to poke out the front so output is not blocked. it's the 1xcr123 clicky lights that make no sense IMO, since they are either so short they are awkward to operate, or are made much longer than they need to be (like most surefire 1xcr123 lights) in order to operate more effectively, so they are now the side of a typical 1xaa light, but you're missing 20% of the runtime on rechargables.

but in the end, the OP asked for a 2-mode forward clicky AA light, not a single mode AAA or Cr123 light (as you suggested).
Do I oversee anything here? It even has a voltage range up to 4.2V here, so there's no crying about "expensive CR123A batteries". Take rechargeable Li-ions!
I just - STILL - don't see ANY point why I should buy this single AA-light over its CR123A based brother. It's longer, just as thick, and produces significantly less lumens. Now tell me: what did I miss??

If he wants to run rechargeables the 14500 (AA size) will generally outperform the 16340 (123 size) by a good margin in runtime at same output level. Also, if he's not comfortable with using Li-ion cells, there are NiMH cells available, not so with the 123 version. Plus primary AAs are much easier to find in a pinch. If size is a huge deal, yes the 123 version will be a bit smaller, however I find the AA very comfortable to pocket carry with the clip (which isn't locked in place like the 123 version).

I agree with Ragiska about the size thing too. I have a 123 light /w almost identical dimensions to the Quark 123, it is a little easier to pocket but in hand I really can only grab it in one exact way to have the switch accessible and the bezel uncovered, and I have small hands, someone with large hands would have more trouble. The shape of the AA is quite a bit more useable in hand IMO and the skinnier part of the AA body makes it easy to hold the light in alternative ways.
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hi guys thanks for your help, and 2 very good suggestions for me. I think the Quark has it for me after looking the both of them up, i like the styling, R5, and the sound of the working UI better, although the straight body of the NDI i do like.

Also these are both quite expensive lights over here in the UK, the Quark is £48.50($70) and the R2 NDI is £60($87), about the norm for this level of light but i see you guys in the states pay the same in dollars as we do in sterling!

SOO i was wondering as i know you can get a CPF code on certain sites, and being a bit lazy, as you flashaholics will know off the top of your head! could i beat this shipped from the states from anywhere???

Thanks again
Also these are both quite expensive lights over here in the UK, the Quark is £48.50($70) and the R2 NDI is £60($87), about the norm for this level of light but i see you guys in the states pay the same in dollars as we do in sterling!

SOO i was wondering as i know you can get a CPF code on certain sites, and being a bit lazy, as you flashaholics will know off the top of your head! could i beat this shipped from the states from anywhere???

I guess whether to purchase from US or UK comes down to how much duty and handling charges you'll have to pay and whether you want it tomorrow or in a week or two.
To be honest that had escaped me as i have bought several lights from DX/KD and they all get trough without any nasty bill! but i think they may be classed as gifts on the customs sticker;)

I am now a bit torn as too wait for a time when i can justify the expense of another torch, or just get the L1T as i do think it will do what i want and is a quite a bit cheaper but does anyone have any experience with them???????? i like the white tint of my eagletacs, blue/green/violet tints are all out!
Well after a lot of thinking i eventually bought a Quark aa Tactical from a UK supplier, i guess i would waste £30 on an L1t and wish id bought the Quark, so i spent the extra £16 and it comes tomorrow.
I nearly bought from 4Sevens, but if/when i got stung for duty/tax i would save a couple of quid but would have to wait ages for the light, when i have it i will let you know what i think,,,,,,thanks guys
Well i tried the Quark out and im quite impressed by the little thing, i think for 1 AA its very impresive, but i do think my expectations of AA lights has became a little bit too much as i suppose like everyone else on here im a bit used to the power of these emmiters.
I suppose the OP reflector may have something to do with my dissapointment as for carry i like throw and lots of it, but i have OP on my Bike light where it is better suited.
I also think i was expecting a lot from the R5, and it has a slight blue/grey tint which is also slightly dissapointing.

Overall though I guess im just hard to please and this is a good light ( as good as 1AA gets ) and i do like the form of the light, the simple 2 stage (although the UI isnt as easy as it sounds!), and its output, and the packaging was outstatnding.And im sure i have the best there is in this class of light:grin2:

On another note though my threads had a bit of Aluminium corrosion on them and the Quark lettering on the body is a bit flakey, Build not quite as good as my Eagletacs
Right i have lived with my Quark AA Tactical for a while now and first impressions are not always correct!
I was missing something on my Quark, sure it was bright and easy to use but the beam profile just did not do it for me, so I looked around and found it was the floody nature of the XP-G that was to fault. I do not dig floody lights, sure i like usable spill but at the expense of throw is not for me.

i looked around and found i would have been better suited with the XP-E R2 (or NDI!) Quark, so i e mailed Ti-Force and he has popped a R2 in my Quark and all i can say is WOW! it is now what i call a light, nice white tint, good throw, and usable spill.

I dont think i will ever buy an XP-G light again!