Efficiency: SMD vs triple-emitter vs high-flux


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 11, 2005
Trieste, Italy
Wandering around DX's offerings, I found this and this.

I was about to get one of the two for use in my home, but then I wondered... are the dies in these LEDs any more efficient than those in ordinary domed 5mm ones? Also, which would be more efficient of the two - the triple-emitters in the first light, or the SMD ones in the second?

If these are just like bog-standard 5mm LEDs efficiency-wise, I don't really see the point in using a board full of them when an unreflectored Cree on a small heatsink would give more light per watt.
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there is a big span in efficiency in all leads, so its hard to answer your question when not knowing what you mean with "ordinary" 5mm leds.
There is also no information from DX which leds the modules use, but I doubt they are efficient.
Most people use power leds for home lighting and there is also a separate forum for it where you may get some information.