ELZETTA Tactical Flashlight



Hi all,

Newbie SixCats! here. Im kicking back at home today (vacation day) and I have spent the better part of an hour at the ELZETTA web site. I must say, I am pretty darn impressed with ELZETTAs offerings. I very much enjoyed the video showing the rather simple UI of their Flashlights. The only problem is, I wish ELZETTA offered a Flashlight with three modes of operation as opposed to two. I would prefer a model with High, Low AND Strobe. ELZETTA can be ordered with either HIGH LOW or HIGH STROBE. I think I am leaning towards a Flashlight that is more of a Self defense tool. For me, a Flashlight with a powerful throw is very important living in Rural Maine. The STROBE feature.....Im not so sure. Would a STROBE feature truly be useful for a NON-LEO ? I would very much appreciate some first hand accounts of how a STROBE function is useful (or not).

