Eneloop R&A capacity on Maha C9000


Jul 6, 2010
Sorry to post this I tried searching and couldn't find what I wanted.

I have some brand new 1500x Eneloop AA's, and was testing them on a Maha C9000.

Their initial discharge out of the packet was around 1440mah.

A couple of Refresh&Analyses after that were around the 1860-1900 range. Is that normal? Its a bit disappointing to be honest, especially compared to Imedion 2400's.

A breakin cycle after the R&A's was much more like what I was expecting - they had capacities of around 1980mah.

I also tried a normal charge and left the cells in the charger for 2 hours after "Done" appeared to ensure they got the topoff charge, then immediately discharged and got around 1880 as the capacity which is a lot less than the BI capacity. I know R&A usually gives lower figures, but that is a much bigger difference than I was expecting. I'm guessing this is related to the C9000's 1.47v cutoff, but note I did allow the topoff charge to go in (which adds another 200mah I believe). I noticed the charge was being terminated down in the ~1700 input charge range (based on max v I think).

Is the Maha actually stopping me from getting the most out of the eneloops?

Charge rates were 0.5C and discharge rates were 0.2C except for Breakin cycle.
Yes, that's normal. That is the capacity you get from a regular charge.

In small print on the battery label, you will see a nominal capacity of 1900 mAh listed.

If you want to see capacity numbers closer to the 2000 mAh value, you need to do a break-in.

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