Eneloop vs. Digipower?? at Circuit City...


Newly Enlightened
Nov 6, 2007
hey guys... just picked up my first set of Eneloop AAs with charger from Circuit City... one thing though... i didn't know they were only 2000mAh. they are for my ROP 2D with FM 6AA adapter. i'm trusting everyone's advice on this as far as putting it together goes, but the thing is that i saw these 2700mAh batteries today at Circuit City called something like DigiPower or something. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about them or if i should just stick with the Eneloops... I've heard nothing but good things about the Eneloops, but just want the most bang for my buck. if anyone can give me any info at all about this, i'd appreciate it! (basically... will i be happy with the eneloops or should i opt for something more?) thanks!
Hello Medicmerlynn,

In a direct drive light, the voltage of the cell under load will directly relate to how bright the light is.

In this thread, we explore a large variety of cells under a wide variety of loading conditions. The key to reading the graphs is to first determine what current your light draws, then check the various graphs to see which cell provides the highest mid point voltage under that load. Those are the cells that will give you the brightest light.

If you don't care about brightness, they you can just look at the graphs and pick out the cell that gives you the longest run time under your projected load.

I run Eneloop cells in one of my Mag85 lights and Titanium Pow Power 1800 mAh cells in the other. I consider these cells an upgrade to the 2600 and 2700 mAh cells I was previously using.

SilverFox, appreciate the help man! i'll be running the eneloops in a 2D ROP HOLA.... should be a bit of fun! :)
rad, sorry to hear that! see if you can take them back and get some of the eneloops. so far they seem to get the 'go ahead nod' from everyone. hope i made the right decision in picking them up for my ROP... should have the bulb, reflector and lense by next week... will post my results when the mailman gets here! :)
Not to change the subject, but I was just at Circuit City tonight and bought 3 - 8 packs of Eneloop AA's for $14.96 per pack. What a deal ! The salesman in the camera area was trying to push the Digipower over the Eneloops. I asked why they were marking them down so much, was a higher cap eneloop on its way ? The salesman just said they are clearing out old stock. The date stamp on all of the packs on the rack was 2006-09 .
Only a few AAA eneloops left at my local store (these were not discounted) and it does not appear as if they will be replacing any of them by the looks of the display.
rad, sorry to hear that! see if you can take them back and get some of the eneloops.

I bought them with the Digipower 100mA "compact travel charger" as I wanted to see how they built a 2-channel, one LED charge indicator per channel, charger at that cheap a price. The batteries, meh, gave them away with the rest of my NiMH inventory when I did, in fact, get "some" (like 40) of the eneloops from BatteryBob.

The circuitry in that thing is Bizarre. This is half of it. The other half is connected to the same winding, but polarities are reversed. Looks cheap to build, anyway.



hope i made the right decision in picking them up for my ROP... should have the bulb, reflector and lens by next week...

What is a "ROP"? I keep seeing that in various threads but nobody has mentioned what it is or linked to it.
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