I am sort of a research expert when it comes to google, so I typed
red led night vision green army
I knew some of this stuff at one point in time but forgot it all:
"[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans serif]
It has been said that the green light will not interfere with the hunt, that animals are 'blind' or indifferent to green light.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The green LED is also a good night vision retention color that will allow you to distinguish colors such as yellow and red on a map or chart, and provide a great night light for walking or hiking yet not upset most animals. For the military, night vision equipment does not easily detect green light. Thus, more and more military personnel, hunters, and other similar consumers are switching to green LED as their choice of personal as well as duty light. This is evident by the increasing orders for green LED flashlights of every kind."[/FONT]