Energizer pivoting head 4AA mod?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 26, 2002
St Louis
I just picked up a new light, the newer iteration of the Energizer 4AA light that has a pivoting head.
This is the "Hard Case" series.

I vagely remember a mod mentioned on here wayyyyy back when these first came out that talked about changing the light from basically being a 2AA light to a 4AA light in terms of output.

Anyone have those instructions?
Or, better yet, anyone mod the newer light so it has more output?
No one remembers this?

Anyone have an idea on how I can use a brighter bulb than one rated for 2 cells? The current carrier has you place 2 batteries into the carrier in parallel rather than in series so I'm hoping it would be possible.......
No one remembers this?

Anyone have an idea on how I can use a brighter bulb than one rated for 2 cells? The current carrier has you place 2 batteries into the carrier in parallel rather than in series so I'm hoping it would be possible.......

Have you looked at 14500 Li-Ion batteries? With 2x3.7V, you should be able to run a 7.2-9V bulb. If you've never used Li-Ion, read up on them - the 14500 are unprotected and should not be overcharged or over-discharged.
sounds promising...the body/reflector is plastic so will that give me any issues?

If not, what battery/charger/bulb combo do you recommend?
I don't remember offhand - it was a KPR maybe 112, 118? You should not have problems with 2 x 3.7 v and heat for short (10 mins?) periods. Beyond that, watch carefully. Running a 6v bulb at 7.2 is really bright, but kind of like the :poof: lottery. Of course, when the bulbs are $1, it's a different story than when they are $10. Running a 7.2 - 9V is also bright, just not super-bright. They're supposed to last longer also.

I found some Maglite Xenon (Magnum Star) bulbs at Home Depot 2 for $2; I might try this with a 4 cell (6v) bulb.

Found the thread (search kpr li-ion)

I used protected 16340 and protected 17670; both Kaidomain and DealExtreme stock li-ion 14500. I've got some 18650 on order. I used the DSD charger; the WF-139 is also recommended by others.
thanks...I'll have to look around for some of those batts & a charger.

I had hoped someone would have either remembered how to mod the older one or had already modded the newer version :poke:
thanks...I'll have to look around for some of those batts & a charger.

I had hoped someone would have either remembered how to mod the older one or had already modded the newer version :poke:

This thread?
http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/archive/index.php/t-150914.html said:
That's because the SKPR823 aren't in production anywhere that I'm aware of. I suspect that when Energizer's stock runs out, they'll have to either use another bulb, or get manufacturer to make another run. They're not that great a bulb, bright, but kinda yellow. Nicer results on a 3-cell Krypton bulb, or a 4 cell xenon. I'm using 2AA parallel holders with Rayovac Hybrids driving a KPR139. Saves at least 8 oz of weight and probably 50% brighter. It gives a good 2+ hrs of output. I'm gonna try my SKPR823 on 6 cells. If it lasts it should be mighty bright.

try searching on "energizer hardcase" as well as "energizer hard case".
no, it was a thread about modding the 4AA pivoting old style hard case light...thanks anyway though!