Ex Explosion proof Rated lights for haz areas.


Jun 28, 2004
UK (Norfolk)
Me and my friend both work in the european oil and gas industry, and we are looking at getting ourselves, small, pocket work torches for use at work.

We have to comply with the european Ex standards, Exd, Exe or EXe ia etc.
Basically will not cause a spark, arc, or heat that could ignite gas.

Most LED light would be fine, but It has to have been tested and rated.

so what small torches are out there that comply?

obviously would like bright as poss ;) eg Cree or Reble or SSC, but adjustable would be nice.

Do novatacks do this, or will HDS's new light?

I seem to remember a spanish manufacture made one?
Me and my friend both work in the european oil and gas industry, and we are looking at getting ourselves, small, pocket work torches for use at work.

We have to comply with the european Ex standards, Exd, Exe or EXe ia etc.
Basically will not cause a spark, arc, or heat that could ignite gas.

Most LED light would be fine, but It has to have been tested and rated.

so what small torches are out there that comply?

obviously would like bright as poss ;) eg Cree or Reble or SSC, but adjustable would be nice.

Do novatacks do this, or will HDS's new light?

I seem to remember a spanish manufacture made one?

Novatacs use CR123's if I remember. See the link in my sig, usually CR123s and non protected batteries have been known to explode. I would stick to something like a AA or AAA battery so they are safer :). And :welcome:
If i remember correctly, i think the propoly 4AA light was rated for some extreme conditions, but it may be a bit larger and not bright enough for you. it can throw well, but that may not be what you are looking for. someone can also correct me if i am wrong on the rating of the light.
Hello Raoul,

I am fairly sure the HDS were rated as intrinsically safe and I think the same applied to the Novatacs. The danger of explosive deconstruction of a primary Li cell in a single-celled light is extremely low but to alleviate concerns, a protected Li-ion is probably safer during discharge.

As mentioned above, the Pro-poly is also intrinsically safe but larger with lower light output in return for using AAs.

I hope you find something suitable.

Streamlight, Pelican, and Underwater Kinetics are the main three that come to mind for your requirements. The Spanish manufacture you mentioned might be Barbolight. They have a subforum here.
Hi Raoul_Duke,

The Princeton Tec Attitude and Impact II flashlights are safety rated LED lights and sufficiently waterproof for diving purposes. I don't know if they have a high enough safety rating for your usage, however. Nonetheless, they might be among the most pocketable, aside from the Pelican L1, of safety rated LED flashlights.
Thanks for all the responses.

We use Li-ion in the plant hand held radios & I would prefer to use rechargables, so would put my faith in AW, his cells haven't ever let me down, so not too concerned with li-ion.


I wish I had pictures, but I was showing a new guy round a few months back, and had to take a permit out because the cammera he was using was not Ex rated, and could potentially ignite a gas cloud if there was an uncontrold leak;
So as I show him about and as we turn the corner, ( with me knowing what was round there) I'm talking through his permits rules and conditions with him, and then casually point out the huge flare, which was a horizontal temoary pipe we were flowing a newly drilled gas well through to clean up the well, (the gas is burned of during this clean up period). With a flame spewing out of the end of the boom, maybee 25 meters long and 10meters high/ wide, and about 15 meters max away from us

We had fire hoses on to keep the place cool, but the paint is still blistering from the hand rails, and he's like :eek: could that...and i'm like yep, but you still need the permit. :duh2: :devil:

Barbolight was one of the ones I was talking about KeyGrip

HDS were rated as intrinsically safe as far as I recall aswell, but would want more lumens than those, ad not going to mod one, so I hope Henry gets the HDS's out soon. I will look into novatacks, unless anybody else chimes,

Not to familiar with the other brands mentioned, so would be something to look into.

I think The Idea of an HDS/ novatack style light appeals most, with RCR123 or longer.
Look into the Streamlight 2AA led light. Long runtime on 2 AA alkaline batteries. Inexpensive, lightweight, non metalic body. Easy to see in the dark & will meet your safety requirements. The light output may not meet your requirements but it would be a great backup emergency light.
I work for a major oil and gas company and we run all Pelican lights. The company felt years ago they made the best lights..... but that was before the "light age" came in.... now the M-10 I use daily at work seems dull when I fire up my Mag64 at home.. Good luck

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