Explain the rationale behind modifying the Fenix


Newly Enlightened
Jan 13, 2007
I have seen on Fenix-store.com that you can Modify the Fenix lights to a Q5 for $25 for the emitter and $40 for the work. I was just wondering what the benefit is to do this? I have a Cree P3D. The new Q5 models will be out soon. Even if I didn't need another light, it is hardly worth saving 4 bucks, especially with the wait time for my light back, to upgrade my existing light rather than getting a new one and having 2.

What am I missing? Thanks.
Fenix-Store offered this upgrade long before the Q5s were commonly available, when they were just a dot on the distant horizon...
These days the Fenixes worth modifying are the good ones that were discontinued in favor of digi-gadgets. I have an L0P with an SSC led (mod by datiled) and I love it. It retired my L0D CE.
I have seen on Fenix-store.com that you can Modify the Fenix lights to a Q5 for $25 for the emitter and $40 for the work. I was just wondering what the benefit is to do this? I have a Cree P3D. The new Q5 models will be out soon. Even if I didn't need another light, it is hardly worth saving 4 bucks, especially with the wait time for my light back, to upgrade my existing light rather than getting a new one and having 2.

What am I missing? Thanks.

I'm new to the flashlight bug but tweaking is what people do with their hobbies/obsessions.

Guns - Don't get someone started about different firing pins, triggers, springs, checkering etc. You can easily spend twice the value of the firearm for the "upgrades".

Reloading ammo - holy cow, the whole hobby is tweaking.

Banjos - People buy high end banjos, Stelling, higher end Deerings and such, and then they go through a dozen bridges, strings galore, and just about everything else, including the rim. Again, you can spend the price of the instrument again on gadgets for it.

Now flashlights. Yeah, I can easily see where people could get into what reflector, what new light, what tailcap, electronics, batteries.

I'm one who buys what he wants generally. I may try a different reflector but if I want a light to have a whole different switch setup, I'll buy another light with that switch setup. Other people just plain like to swap out pieces/parts and utterly personalize their items.

It's what people do. :thumbsup:
Banjos - People buy high end banjos, Stelling, higher end Deerings and such, and then they go through a dozen bridges, strings galore, and just about everything else, including the rim. Again, you can spend the price of the instrument again on gadgets for it.

Now that is funny...

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