Fenix coating: natural vs black ?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 30, 2007

I want to get a Fenix L0D CE as my new keychain edc.

Which type of anodizing is more scratch resitant? The black or the natural one?

Is there even a difference or can you just see scratches on a black one more easily , because of the contrast?

P.S. Any pictures of someone's L0D CE that has been used as a keychain light for some time would be much appreciated!
Well, I happen to like the natural better. I have had it on my keychain for close to a month now....and not a scratch. My black LOP SE was showing scratches within a week on my keychain.

the black one wears like a maglite pos.

when i bough mine, the natural wasnt available yet - would be the best choice
A black flashlight is like white carpeting in a house. Sure, it looks good when new, and functions the same as other colors, but it doesn't take long to get nasty.
Re: Black LOD CE

Simply putting on the included mini keyring left my first permanent scratches in the finish. (haha/arrrg!)

I have an old Inova X5 in natural that still looks as beautiful as the day I bought it. Any visible scratches must be found with close examination.

Still, if you want that stealthy-look you gotta go with black. Maybe I'll spot-dab it with a Sharpie for future occasions, but we all know that's only temporary.
A black flashlight is like white carpeting in a house. Sure, it looks good when new, and functions the same as other colors, but it doesn't take long to get nasty.
I dunno. It may depend on the light and the person. I kinda like how my worn-out black ArcAAA looks like now:

My new P3D CE in black scratches way too easily... has little chips in the paint from the smallest dings! It's my new "beat the hell out of this light because I don't care how it looks anymore."
What are you all doing to scratch your black finish Fenixs'? I've owned several different black finish models and never once got so much as a nick. Granted I don't wear them on keychains nor drop them on the ground.
My L0DCE resides on a neck lanyard, alone. Yet there is some hefty loss of anodizing around the lens. I'll be boogered if I can figure out where from, though...

*edit* woot! 100th post :)
What are you all doing to scratch your black finish Fenixs'? I've owned several different black finish models and never once got so much as a nick. Granted I don't wear them on keychains nor drop them on the ground.

My other black Fenix lights (see signature line) have not a scratch or nick on them. It was just my black LOP SE that was on my key chain. But, as I said....the LOD CE natural finish on my key chain is showing no wear at all so far.
My experience is that the black finish is plenty durable, it's the metal underneath that is soft. My L1T and L2D only show wear around the little dings and dents and the body.
Anyone know why Fenix doesn't make natural finish LXX's?
I like the natural, so I have gotten all my Fenix flashlights in natural. It even stands up to EDC on my key chain.

I want to get a Fenix L0D CE as my new keychain edc.

Which type of anodizing is more scratch resitant? The black or the natural one?

I think the Natural may hide the scratches better, but I don't have any Natural colored Fenix lights. I actually asked a similar question about 9 months ago here. There's a picture of a worn L0P about half way down the first page.

Here's a pic of my L0P SE after 8 months of keychain duty:


Main areas of wear are the bottom edge, and the straight edges on the body.

The HA on my old Arc-AAA held up much better even after 2 years, but unfortunately the Arc-AAA is no match for my L0P-SE in terms of light output, which is why the L0P-SE is on my keychain now. I gave my old Arc-AAA to my mom who's happy with it because it's perfect for finding stuff in her purse in the dark.
Well I have a black P1D-CE that is about 6 months old. Been riding in my left front pocket with a money clip, and a Surefire U2 clipped at top of same pocket. So far it is flawless, not a scratch to be found. Of course I do not put my keys in a pocket with anything, they hang off of a carabiner on my right front belt loop. Therefore they cannot scratch anything.:thumbsup:

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