Fenix E01, how long did you wait?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 30, 2007
I'm just curious on how long people waited for the E01, regardless of source, from the ordering date to receiving ...

Let this begin ...
A month and a day so far.
Not had confirmation, still shows as back order.

But then again I have not got it yet so it defeats your question :oops:
@ fluke, you sure are patient !

@ skalomax, what's your secret? LOL
It's been 31 days so far. Just got an e-mail saying it was shipped yesterday. Historically I get a package from the Fenix Store in about 10 business days so in total my wait will be around 45 days. I'm in no hurry. I am a flashlight Jedi and I have learned patience. After all, I've been waiting for my new Ra Twisty for over 4 months. I know waiting for a Twisty is not the same as waiting for a couple of EO1's but after a certain amount of time, waiting is waiting.
I ordered it march 26, so exactly one month today. I have not received the light or shipping confirmation so far...
I placed my original order with fenix-store.com a few weeks ago for a couple of olive, one black, two blue and one purple. Last week I heard on this forum that thephotonshop.co.uk had some in stock, which are more expensive but don't take so long to arrive and also have GB engraved on them instead of US. I ordered an olive one from them and it arrived pretty much next day. I've since had some movement from fenix-store.com that part of my order has shipped, but I cant work out what - i'm guessing black or olive. Yesterday I sent my GB olive one back to thephotonshop.co.uk for replacement with a black one, which I expect to receive next week assuming he hasn't run out of stock.
The one I ordered from the Fenix store still has not come. The one from Brightguys moved really fast...2 days! This is not tipical though...the Fenix store is normally the first to get them.
I "pre ordered" 2 days before the release date thinking I was being sneaky. That was towards the end of May :eek:oo:. I did get a shipping confirmation yesterday though, so its finally on the way!

Are all colors now being shipped? I stayed away from the cool ones because they were being released later. I do want an orange one though.
I have a considerable longer wait. I ordered the E0 some months ago, but got a message back from the shop that is was out of stock, and they asked if I wanted my money back or would wait for the new version of the E0, I sayed I would wait.

I have not received the E01 yet, but that is probably because I wanted a colored version.
I pre-ordered a black and olive from the Fenix store on April 17th, was notified they were shipped First Class ($1.84) on the 24th and I received both today. 9 days total and well worth the wait.

For $15 shipped these lights are a great value. I am very impressed with the build quality. The machining is excellent. The threads are anoidized and there is very little play between the head and body tube. The o-ring is substantial and imparts a very smooth twisty feel. I see no flaws in the black finish. The head and body olive coloring is slightly different but hardly noticable. There are faint lines in the olive boby but you have to really look to see them. The lettering on both is crisp and the serial numbers are aligned. Both have the same number, US233641 (lot numbers?). The reflectors are not polished but have a uniform satin appearance.
I just ordered 1 black & 1 olive. There was no "Pre-order" for the black E01 when I place the order about 10 minutes ago. I'm wondering if it will be mailed on Monday :naughty:

Some of you people sure likes to wait !
I only know Brightguys & Fenix-Store as the two main Fenix reseller. I was gonna order a few from Brightguys but backed off knowing they don't accept paypal :thumbsdow.

Where else can I get the E01 from beside the above two?
please dont flame me for posting this, I only seek to understand. Im guessing everyone here is buying multiple eo1s to give them away and not use them as some sort of edc. The thing puts out 10 lumens. Doesnt the the LOD put out potentially 7 1/2 times more lumens..and if you realy want 11 lumens. but only at 8 hours. :sssh: Is that why? cuz you want 21 hours of 10 lumen use? :duh2: Or the "outstanding water resistance" which is also ipx8 like lod.
What is sun/moon mode..Is it 3 modes maybe thats it. i dont know what that is. that must be it. its the 15 bucks isnt it. Wait are the Arc AAAs pretty much this...ok just went to arcs site and and the arc aaa is the same thing practically and is 45 bucks though..ok i see,,,sorta.. maybe not if your body carrying this edc goes through what these are designed for , you will die but your light will work heh heh :twothumbs