Fenix E20 why so little about it on the board?


I've seen a lot about it on the board

Did you try searching ?

Yes I did try searching... A search for "E20" gives: "Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms." as search for "fenix E20" gives about a million hits none of which on the first page had E20 in the title. :kiss:

Thanks for the links :)

Does anyone know if Fenix has focusing optics on some slightly higher end multi level torches on the way?
The search doesn't work with under 4-chars strings, have to go to google and type:

site:candlepowerforums.com Fenix E20
I think the reason the E20 didn't create a buzz is because it's a single stage light that isn't anything new.
It is a great deal however, and I'm actually thinking about buying one for my backyard light.
I've read plenty about this light on CPF, and have even gifted a few of them. These days, the prevailing sentiment on this forum seems to be a preference for lights with multiple stages (output levels).