Fenix heads compatible with each other bodies? P1d dead?


May 31, 2007
Hello, i have a dead p1d ce and out of warranty, it seems that the ic is not working. I contacted 4sevens no reply yet, but, do you know if the body of p1d ce can take other fenix heads that are sold by the fenix-store? They sell the p2d and L1T/L2T and L2S flashlight heads.
Also, has anyone else a dead p1d ce? I tried to put on a newer bin for the led, but, although everything seemed to went fine, the ic is supplying now only 1,7V. What went wrong?
Out of warranty? They have a limited lifetime warranty (you pay parts, they pay service, forever...). That may be a simpler way to go.
The P1D-CE will only work on P1D bodies. The P2D-CE, L1D-CE and L2D-CE share the same head but the P1D-CE uses a different head. The P1D-CE can use a Leef body but at that price, you could add a few bucks and buy a new P2D-Rebel 100($50 with the "CPF8" coupon)

Is you P1D-CE dead, I don't know but I hope that problem will be fixed. Maybe you created a short somewhere?
Out of warranty? They have a limited lifetime warranty (you pay parts, they pay service, forever...). That may be a simpler way to go.

I believe this is true as long as you don't open the head.

According to the warranty info I've received with my Fenix lights, opening the head will void the warranty.
Well i have opened the head so as to put on a q5 bin lamp...but now....:oops:
I am willing to pay for the service, but i am still waiting 2 days now for reply from fenix email or 4sevens via pm.

If i won't have, can i find somethere a circuit to try to put it on by myself?