Fenix L0D Engraved for Sports Fan Mom


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 21, 2007
Both of my parents are big fans of the University of Houston sports, being Cougar football and basketball season ticket holders for longer than I can remember.

Lately, my mom has been wanting a small flashlight for her purse, so for her birthday this year, I had the folks over a www.4sevens.com engrave a red L0D for her with with a UH Cougar logo and a some text on the free panels on the side of the L0D. (Dad might be a bit miffed at her getting this and not him, but I've got something else coming his way later. ;))

Peter at 4sevens worked very closely with me via e-mail and over the phone to get this done right, and I think he did a great job on it. (Thanks again, Peter.)

Obviously, something as small as an L0D would seem to present some challenges for engraving, but they were able to do a very nice job of it. I'm attaching a few photos here to show their work. I think that most of the flashlights available via 4sevens can be engraved, depending on surfaces available for engraving. Seems like a very good way to personalize a gift for someone, but I'm not sure how many people realize they offer this service as an add-on.

In any case, here's a look at the final engraved L0D:




Here's a very close up look at the laser engraving/etching. The curvature of the flashlight body makes it a bit difficult to see the whole logo clearly, but you can get a pretty good idea of the quality of the engraving work from this. Looks very good.


To get the Cougar logo, we started with a scan of the original which I converted to a black and white image to send to 4sevens. The black and white was the image from which the laser worked (to give you an idea of what we started with and what we ended up with). Engraving words is relatively simple, but logos can apparently be a bit tricky, depending on the nature of the logo (especially if there is any gradient involved in the logo). We got a bit of left/right "crunching" of the final engraved image on this one, maybe having to do with the curve of the body and the small size of the logo, but not to such an extent that I'm worried about it. Overall, I'm very happy with the final product.


Nice! :thumbsup: I was aware they offered the service but had not seen any pics until now. It looks well done and I'm sure you're mom will love it.

Do you plan getting you're dad something flashlight related too? :naughty:
Very nice :twothumbs

think 7777 is going to be busy lol didnt know they engraved
Thanks for sharing that! It has given me some great gift ideas.
Nice! :thumbsup: I was aware they offered the service but had not seen any pics until now. It looks well done and I'm sure you're mom will love it.

Do you plan getting you're dad something flashlight related too? :naughty:

Yeah, I already picked up Dad something for his December birthday, but in retrospect he might be disappointed when it turns out to be black and have no engraving (I got his flashlight before I thought about the L0D thing for Mom)...so I might have to rethink his gift a bit to keep any internal family resentment from flaring up... :rolleyes:
Very nice :twothumbs

think 7777 is going to be busy lol didnt know they engraved

Yeah, it seems that I do a lot of promotional work for them on the side. ;)

But I'm happy with their products and service, and this is another thing worth showing off and talking about. I suspect lots of folks don't know they do engraving work since I don't think it's overly visibly as a service on their website... :whistle: (It's there to be found, but there's so much other stuff to see, I think it is easy to overlook the engraving services at a casual glance-through.)
Wow, does that cost a lot to do? I think I need to get a custom engraved one for my sweets...

She already has 3 lights from me! I'll have to make her a special keychain case tho.

That is beautiful. Do they still have the copper coloured/red L0Ds?
Hi, gunga

The cost is not what I'd call prohibitively expensive, but they'd probably need to give you a quote based on the amount of text and whether you had a graphic, etc. They have a very reasonable base cost and it drops if you add more lights to the order (if you get several done the same way, I think). Something basic like a single line of text adds about $20 to your flashlight order (see the site links under "Upgrades / Parts / Acc" > Laser Engraving). But extra lines of text can add more cost, so it depends on what you want.

Yes, this one is one of the coppery/red ones that I THINK used to have snowflakes and bells on them, but are plain red now. (However, the box still has snowflakes and bells, but I can live with that... ;) )
Is some college logos copyrighted? I am not sure but... could reprinting those on products for sale put him at risk for a lawsuit if they were? I wouldn't want 4sevens sued out of business by some college that got ahold of an engraved light that didn't have permission to use their logo on his products sold for profit.
I can't see him laser engraving that into a flashlight put him in any legal trouble. If this ever was an issue, the way I see it, the owner would be in trouble, or at the very least, varuscelli would be in trouble. Maybe if 7777 would have pulled the logo down himself then that would be an issue, but the logo was supplied to him. I'm no lawyer but that is how I see it.
Yes, most logos for college or professional teams are indeed copyright protected or have guidelines for usage. But the way that I see this is that only one was produced and it was at my specific request. 4sevens is not marketing/advertising or mass producing these (nor am I) nor was the idea to produce this one theirs, but mine. It's a one-of-a-kind item as a gift for one individual and I take full responsibility for making the request and sending them a piece of art to engrave. The flashlight would have been purchased regardless of this with the wording I asked to be inscribed (to make the gift more special, I submitted artwork as well to accompany that text). Too, the individual for whom this was purchased is such a long-time supporter of the school's athletic programs monetarily and as general supporter via the alumni association that I seriously doubt that anyone associated with the program would consider taking action toward anyone else for this small token. What would be the point, unless they were indeed being mass produced or marketed?

That aside...do we really want to be raising a red flag about it?

But...4sevens, if you all have any concerns about this, PM me and let me know. I'll immediately remove any photos I took.
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Well, I don't see a problem with it, I doubt most people would, I HIGHLY doubt the university has a problem with it.

However, there are those people here (I can think of one former member in particular) who's vendetta against 47's would compel him to attempt to make something out of it.
Lynx_Arc, my apologies if my reaction was too much of a knee jerk. I think your point is well intended and I don't want to be seen as jumping on you for making that point. Sorry if it looked (or looks) that way.

And...at the same time, as well intended as my showing off of the quality of the 4sevens engraving is, I have no wish for that to backfire in any way and be a potential source of grief for 4sevens or anyone else.

Sometimes well-intended actions don't have their intended affect. Maybe I need a bit more feedback to see if I should leave these images out there. Or if any of the admin or moderator folks think the images should be removed, please say the word (or do the deed, as necessary).
Good stuff :thumbsup:
Sounds like Dad better get something engraved.. or else!!

You really ARE the Fenix shill :D
Good stuff :thumbsup:
Sounds like Dad better get something engraved.. or else!!

You really ARE the Fenix shill :D

That's "Fenix Shill Boy" to you, podner...

And you'd better SMILE when you say that.

(Note to Self: He did smile when he said that...:ironic:)
I was more interested in making sure people don't get in trouble if it is not legal because 4sevens is in business and charging for a service and in turn profitting by selling lights with logos on them and someone could take issue with that if he were to offer this service publically and suddenly have dozens of logos on his lights sent out..... well think about it all. If there is not a legal problem then I saw kewl.... put logos on everything. Lawyers can be jerks though about such things..... (I'm not a lawyer).

Lynx_Arc, my apologies if my reaction was too much of a knee jerk. I think your point is well intended and I don't want to be seen as jumping on you for making that point. Sorry if it looked (or looks) that way.

And...at the same time, as well intended as my showing off of the quality of the 4sevens engraving is, I have no wish for that to backfire in any way and be a potential source of grief for 4sevens or anyone else.

Sometimes well-intended actions don't have their intended affect. Maybe I need a bit more feedback to see if I should leave these images out there. Or if any of the admin or moderator folks think the images should be removed, please say the word (or do the deed, as necessary).
Maybe I'm wrong in my view of this, Lynx_Arc, but I think you're nudging the discussion farther in your intended direction than it really needs to be nudged. I sincerely do not believe that an item as insignificant as a single engraved flashlight needs to be pushed via our discussions into the realm of hypothetical lawsuits.
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